Scribal practice, text and canon in the Dead Sea scrolls : essays in memory of Peter W. Flint /
This volume contains 17 essays on the subjects of text, canon, and scribal practice. The volume is introduced by an overview of the Qumran evidence for text and canon of the Bible. Most of the text critical studies deal with texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls, including sectarian as well as canonical t...
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,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden Boston :
Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah;
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2019, ISBN: 9789004390805.
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Call Number: BM487 .S355 2019
- Front Matter
- Copyright page
- Frontispiece
- Dedication
- Preface /
- Amanda Flint
- Figures and Tables
- Notes on Contributors
- Peter Flint in Memoriam /
- Ananda Geyser-Fouché and John J. Collins
- Text and Canon
- Qumran Evidence for the Text and Canon of the Bible /
- Eugene Ulrich
- Text-Critical Studies
- Hebrew Bible Textual Criticism and the Dead Sea Scrolls: What Not to Expect of the Pesher Habakkuk (1QpHab) /
- Gert T. M. Prinsloo
- 4QLXXNum and a Text-Critical Examination of a Debated Hebrew Term in Numbers 4 /
- Gideon R. Kotzé
- The Ezekiel Manuscripts from the Dead Sea, the Ancient Versions, and the Textual History of Ezekiel /
- Herrie van Rooy
- On "True" Editions: Pluriformity and Authority between Psalms and Serekh /
- James Nati
- A Textual Analysis of Pseudo-Ezekiel (4Q385 and 4Q386): Rewritten or Merely Copies of Each Other /
- Jana Coetzee
- Nebuchadnezzar Found and Forgotten: a New Fragment of 4Q385a (4QApocryphon of Jeremiah Ca) 18 i /
- Eibert Tigchelaar
- Canon and Authority
- Uses of Earlier Literature in Some Second Temple Texts /
- James C. VanderKam
- An Examination of the Songs of Ascents and Psalm 119 in 11QPsa /
- Nancy L. deClaissé-Walford
- Scribal Practice
- Qumran Scribal Practice: Won Moor Thyme /
- Martin Abegg
- The Grain of the Kittim in the Habakkuk Pesher: a New Reading of ומאכלו ברו (1QpHab 6:5) /
- Timothy H. Lim
- The Vistas of Variant Readings: Towards an Understanding of Scribal Transmission as Reception in the Qumran Fragments of Aramaic Daniel /
- Andrew B. Perrin
- Exegesis of the Bible Enriched by the Dead Sea Scrolls /
- Emanuel Tov
- The Excerpted Manuscripts from Qumran, with Special Attention to 4QReworked Pentateuch D and 4QReworked Pentateuch E /
- Sidnie White Crawford
- Language
- Trajectories of Diachronic Change in Qumran Hebrew: Evidence from the Negative Existential in Post-Predicate Position /
- Jacobus A. Naudé, Cynthia L. Miller-Naudé and Daniel J. Wilson
- Thematic Studies
- The Star of Balaam and the Prophecy of Josephus concerning Vespasian /
- Craig A. Evans
- Lady Metaphors in Judaic Wisdom Literature /
- Ananda Geyser-Fouché
- Back Matter
- Index of Modern Authors
- Index of Ancient Sources.