Mani in Dublin : selected papers from the Seventh International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, 8-12 September 2009 /
In 2009 the Seventh International Conference of Manichaean Studies was held at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin. The 22 selected papers of this volume offer a deep insight into the faith of Manichaean communities ranging from the very beginning of the Third century up to the last traces of worsh...
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Leiden ; Boston :
Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2015, ISBN: 9789004287389.
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Call Number: BT1410 .I58 2015
- Front Matter /
- Siegfried G. Richter , Charles Horton and Klaus Ohlhafer
- MANI-The Lost Religion of Light: The Interpretation of Manichaean Manuscripts for a General Audience /
- Charles Horton
- Der Kampf Augustins gegen die Manichäer: Das Beispiel der Schrift De Genesi contra Manichaeos /
- Sara Antonietta Luisa Arnoldi
- The Physics of Light, Darkness and Matter in John the Grammarian's First Homily against the Manichaeans: Early Byzantine Anti-Manichaean Literature as a Window on Controversies in Later Neoplatonism /
- Byard Bennett
- Primal Man, Son of God: From Explicit to Implicit Christian Elements in Manichaeism /
- Fernando Bermejo
- The Abstract of a Religion Or: What Is Manichaeism? /
- Iris Colditz
- Biblical Pseudepigrapha among North African Manichaeans /
- J. Kevin Coyle
- A Possible Liturgical Context for the First Hymn to Jesus in the Chinese Manichaean Hymnbook (Col. 6-44) /
- Jean-Daniel Dubois
- Abecedarian Hymns, a Survey of Published Middle Persian and Parthian Manichaean Hymns /
- Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst
- Individualisation of Redemption in a Manichaean Painting from Ningbo /
- Jorinde Ebert
- Kephalaia 55 and the Great Free Woman: Concepts of Seclusion and Public Exhibition in Relation to Women and Female Figures in Manichaean Texts /
- Majella Franzmann
- Images of Jesus in Manichaean Art /
- Zsuzsanna Gulácsi
- Two Manichaean Judgment Scenes-MIK III 4959 V and the Yamato Bunkakan Sandōzu Painting /
- Gábor Kósa
- Remains of the Religion of Light in Xiapu (霞浦) County, Fujian Province /
- Xiaohe Ma
- Recent Research on Chinese Manichaean Texts /
- Gunner Mikkelsen
- Fragen an Kephalaia Kapitel 151 (Ed. Funk) - Kephalaia Kapitel 154 (Ed. Schmidt/Polotsky) Revisited /
- Wolf B. Oerter
- Syriac Texts in Manichaean Script: New Evidence /
- Nils Arne Pedersen
- Sogdian Manichaean Confessional Fragments in Sogdian Script in the Berlin Turfan Collection: The Fragments of the Xwāstwānīft /
- Christiane Reck
- The "Seal of the Mouth" in the Anti-Manichaean Polemic of Ephrem the Syrian /
- Flavia Ruani
- The Concept of Body and the Body of Christ in the Manichaean Coptic Psalm-Book /
- Cristos Theodorou
- La manifestation de l'image dans l'«Homélie sur la Grande Guerre» /
- Agnès Le Tiec
- The Last Remains of Manichaeism in Villages of Jinjiang County, China /
- Yuanyuan Wang and Wushu Lin
- Southern Chinese Version of Mani's Picture Book Discovered? /
- Yutaka Yoshida
- Plates /
- Siegfried G. Richter , Charles Horton and Klaus Ohlhafer
- Indexes /
- Siegfried G. Richter , Charles Horton and Klaus Ohlhafer.