The wisdom of Egypt : Jewish, early Christian, and gnostic essays in honour of Gerard P. Luttikhuizen /
This collection of essays gives a vivid impression of Egypt as background and stage of Jewish, Christian, and Gnostic thought and life in antiquity. It demonstrates Egypt's important role in the history, literature and culture of these religions.
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, ,Format: eBook
Leiden ; Boston :
Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity
Ancient Judaism & Early Christianity Online, ISBN: 9789004365223.
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Call Number: BL2441.3 .W57 2005eb
- The disgrace of Egypt: Joshua 5.9a and its context /
- La Genèse d'Alexandrie, les Rabbins et Qumrân /
- The birth of Moses in Egypt according to the Book of Jubilees (Jub 47.1-9) /
- Hearing the story of Moses in Ptolemaic Egypt: Artapanus accommodates the tradition /
- Egypt as the setting for Joseph and Aseneth: accidental or deliberate? /
- The Wisdom of Solomon and the gnostic Sophia /
- Cleopatra in Josephus: from Herod's rival to the wise ruler's opposite /
- 'The God who drowned the king of Egypt': a short note on an exorcistic formula /
- 'Out of Egypt I have called my son': some observations on the quotation from Hosea 11.1 in Matthew 2.15 /
- 'And Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians' (Acts 7.22) /
- 'Wrath will drip in the plains of Macedonia': expectations of Nero's return in the Egyptian Sibylline oracles (book 5), 2 Thessalonians, and ancient historical writings /
- Looking at the condemning heart of 1 John 3.18-20 through the eyes of an ancient Egyptian /
- The Egyptian background of the 'ointment' prayer in the Eucharistic rite of the Didache (10.8) /
- The Letter of Barnabas in early second-century Egypt /
- Paul's rapture to paradise in early Christian literature /
- The Sphinx: sculpture as a theological symbol in Plutarch and Clement of Alexandria /
- Foolish Egyptians: Apion and Anoubion in the Pseudo-Clementines /
- Potamiaena: some observations about martyrdom and gender in ancient Alexandria /
- 'Mulier est instrumentum diaboli': women and the desert fathers /
- Le gnosticisme Alexandrin aux premiers temps du Christianisme /
- The Gospel of Thomas and the historical Jesus: the case of eschatology /
- Basilides of Alexandria: Matthias (Matthew) and Aristotle as the sources of inspiration for his gnostic theology in Hippolytus' Refutatio /
- Early Christian apocrypha and the secret books of ancient Eygpt /
- Baraies on Mani's rapture, Paul, and the antediluvian apostles /
- Devolution and recollection, deficiency and perfection: human degradation and the recovery of the primal condition according to some early Christian texts /
- Reisewege der apostel in den Acta Petri aus Nag Hammadi /
- The identity of Lithargoel in the Acts of Peter and the Twelve /
- Gnōsis, mageia, and The holy book of the great invisible spirit /
- Fate, magic and astrology in Pistis Sophia, chaps 15-21 /
- Ed Noort
- Florentino García Martínez
- Jacques T.A.G.M. van Ruiten
- Rob Kugler
- János Bolyki
- Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte
- Jan Willem van Henten
- Pieter W. van der Horst
- Maarten J.J. Menken
- Ton Hilhorst
- George H. van Kooten
- Herman te Velde
- Huub van de Sandt
- Janni Loman
- Riemer Roukema
- John Herrmann and Annewies van den Hoek
- Jan N. Bremmer
- Henk Bakker
- Monika Pesthy
- Attila Jakab
- Albert L.A. Hogeterp
- Abraham P. Bos
- Jacobus van Dijk
- Eibert Tigchelaar
- F. Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta
- Jürgen Tubach
- István Czachesz
- Marvin Meyer
- Jacques van der Vliet.