Purity and Holiness : The Heritage of Leviticus /
Purity has long been recognized as one of the essential drives which determines humankind's relationship with the holy. Codes of purity and impurity, dealing with such far-ranging topics as 'external stains' and 'inner remorse', represent the physical and 'bodily'...
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,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden; Boston :
Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series;
Jewish and Christian Perspectives Online, ISBN: 9789004427556.
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Call Number: BM702
- Preliminary Material /
- M.J.H.M. Poorthuis and J. Schwartz
- Purity and Holiness: an Introductory Survey /
- Marcel Poorthuis and Joshua Schwartz
- The Dynamics of Purity in the Priestly System /
- Jacob Milgrom
- Impurity of Land Animals /
- Mary Douglas
- Israel's Holiness: The Torah Traditions /
- Baruch J. Schwartz
- "They saw that his forehead was leprous" (2 Chr 26:20) /
- Pancratius C. Beentjes
- Jewish Purity Laws as Viewed by the Church Fathers and by the Early Followers of Jesus /
- Peter J. Tomson
- Purity and Impurity of the Body in Luke-Acts /
- Bart J. Koet
- Rudolph Otto Revisited: Numinosity Vis-à-Vis Rabbinic, Patristic and Gnostic Interpretations of Scripture /
- Marcel Poorthuis
- Impurity between Intention and Deed: Purity Disputes in First Century Judaism and in the New Testament /
- Eric Ottenheijm
- Reflections on Hand-Washing, Hand-Purity and Holy Scripture in Rabbinical Literature /
- Chaim Milikowsky
- The Concept of Holiness and the Requirements of Purity in Second Temple and Tannaic Literature /
- Cana Werman
- Leviticus 12-15 in Early Christianity /
- Gerard Rouwhorst
- Sin and Illness in the Targum of the Prophets /
- Alberdina Houtman
- On Birds, Rabbis and Skin Disease /
- Joshua Schwartz
- Non-Priestly Purity and its Religious Aspects according to Historical Sources and Archaeological Findings /
- Eyal Regev
- 'Contagium' and Images of Self in Late Sixth-Century Gaul /
- Giselle de Nie
- Medieval Models of Purity and Sanctity: Ashkenazic Women in the Synagogue /
- Jeffrey Robert Woolf
- "A Relic of Superstition": Bodily Impurity and the Church from Gregory the Great to the Twelfth-Century Decretists /
- Rob Meens
- Leviticus 12, Mary and Wax: Purification and Churching in Late Medieval Christianity /
- Charles Caspers
- Reclaiming Ritual: A Gendered Approach to (Im)Purity /
- Anne-Marie Korte
- The Pure Life of Grietje Schouten ( 1915-1947): Rereading Mary Douglas's Natural Symbols /
- Paul Post
- Index of Names and Subjects /
- M.J.H.M. Poorthuis and J. Schwartz
- Index of Ancient Sources /
- M.J.H.M. Poorthuis and J. Schwartz.