The New Testament interpreted : essays in honour of Bernard C. Lategan /
This volume contains a collection of essays in honour of Bernard C. Lategan, a renowned specialist on the modern reception of the New Testament. Besides offering anayses of Lategan's own contribution to New Testament scholarship, the essays present and discuss interpretations of the New Testame...
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, , ,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Novum Testamentum, Supplements
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online, ISBN: 9789004264557.
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Call Number: BS2361.3 .N485 2006
- Preliminary Material /
- Cilliers Breytenbach , Johan C. Thom and Jeremy Punt
- Interpreter Interpreted: A Reader's Reception of Lategan's Legacy /
- D. J. Smit
- The Historical Jesus and the Letters of Paul: Revisiting Bernard C. Lategan's Thesis /
- G. Francois Wessels
- "Not According to Human Criteria": Bernard Lategan's Reading of Galatians in a Crumbling Apartheid State /
- Cilliers Breytenbach
- New Horizons in Historical Jesus Research? Hermeneutical Considerations Concerning The So-Called "Third Quest" of the Historical Jesus /
- Jens Schröter
- Multiple Realities and Historiography: Rethinking Historical Jesus Research /
- Pieter F. Craffert
- Intertextual Readings in the Septuagint /
- Johann Cook
- Torah Quotations Common to Philo, Hebrews, Clemens Romanus and Justin Martyr: What is the Common Denominator? /
- Gert J. Steyn
- An "Heretical" Use of the New Testament: A Manichaean Adaptation of Matt 6:19-20 in P. Kell. Copt. 32 /
- Majella Franzmann
- Augustine, Paul and the Manichees /
- Annemaré Kotzé
- Interpreting the New Testament in Africa: Bernard Lategan on the Threshold of Diverse Theological Discourses /
- Elna Mouton
- A Politics of Difference in the New Testament: Identity and the Others in Paul1 /
- Jeremy Punt
- Selected 19th Century Sesotho Readings of the Bible: David Moiloa and the Days of Basotho's Ignorance1 /
- Maarman Samuel Tshehla
- The Study of the New Testament in African Universities1 /
- Jan Botha
- The Challenge of Cultural Justice Under Conditions of Globalisation: is the New Testament of Any Use?1 /
- Piet J. Naudé
- Dyads, Triads and Other Compositional Beasts in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) /
- 308 289
- Der Gegenwärtige Stand Der Forschung Zum Markus-Evangelium Und Die Frage Nach Der Historischen Und Gegenwärtigen Kontext-Plausibilität /
- Detlev Dormeyer
- The Chronotope and its Discursive Function in the Gospel of Luke /
- Bettina Fischer
- The Power of the Absent Father: A Socio-Rhetorical Analysis of 1 Corinthians 4:14-5:13 /
- Charles A. Wanamaker
- Wilhelm Bousset's Commentary on Revelation and Hermeneutical Perspectives on the Revelation of John /
- Pieter G. R. de Villiers
- List of Contributors /
- Cilliers Breytenbach , Johan C. Thom and Jeremy Punt
- Index of Subjects and Names /
- Cilliers Breytenbach , Johan C. Thom and Jeremy Punt
- Index of References Discussed /
- Cilliers Breytenbach , Johan C. Thom and Jeremy Punt.