Congress volume : Leuven, 1989 /
This volume publishes twenty-three papers given by invitation at the thirteenth Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, which was held at Leuven from 27 August until 1 September 1989 under the Presidency of C. Brekelmans. The articles cover a range of subjects...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; New York :
E.J. Brill,
Supplements to Vetus Testamentum,
v. 43
Vetus Testamentum, Supplements
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online, ISBN: 9789004264991.
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Call Number: BS410 BS1171.2 .V452 vol. 43
- Preliminary Material /
- J.A. Emerton
- Presidential Address: C. BREKELMANS, Joshua xxiv: its place and function /
- C. Brekelmans
- E.W. NICHOLSON, The Pentateuch in recent research: a time for caution /
- E.W. Nicholson
- W.H. SCHMIDT, Elementare Erwägungen zur Quellenscheidung im Pentateuch /
- W.H. Schmidt
- E. BLUM, Gibt es die Endgestalt des Pentateuch? /
- E. Blum
- J. VAN SETERS, The so-called Deuteronomistic redaction of the Pentateuch /
- J. Van Seters
- A. de PURY, Le cycle de jacob comme légende autonome des origines d'lsraël /
- A. de Pury
- N.P. LEMCHE, The development of the Israelite religion in the light of recent studies on the early history of lsrael /
- N.P. Lemche
- Helga WEIPPERT, Geschichten und Geschichte: Verheißung und Erfüllung im deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerk /
- Helga Weippert
- R.D. NELSON, The role of the priesthood in the Deuteronomistic History /
- R.D. Nelson
- W. THIEL, Deuteronomistische Redaktionsarbeit in den Elia-Erzählungen /
- W. Thiel and Tomáš Soldán
- C. HARDMEIER, Die Propheten Micha undjesaja im Spiegel von Jeremia xxvi und 2 Regum xviii-xx. Zur Prophetie-Rezeption in der nach-joschijanischen Zeit /
- C. Hardmeier
- D.L. PETERSEN, Israelite prophecy: change versus continuity /
- D.L. Petersen
- W.A.M. BEUKEN, Isaiah chapters 1xv-1xvi: Trito-Isaiah and the closure of the book oflsaiah /
- W.A.M. Beuken
- R.P. CARROLL, Arguing about jeremiah: recent studies and the nature of a prophetic book /
- R.P. Carroll
- P.-M. BOGAERT, Urtext, texte court et relecture: Jérémie xxxiii 14-26 TM et ses préparations /
- P.-M. Bogaert
- J. TRUBLET, Le corpus sapientiel et le Psautier: approche informatique du lexique /
- J. Trublet
- N. FDGLISTER, Psalm lxxxviii: der Rätsel Lösung? /
- N. Fdglister
- Sara JAPHET, The relationship between Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah /
- Sara Japhet
- K.-F. POHLMANN, Zur Frage von Korrespondenzen und Divergenzen zwischen den Chronikbüchern und dem Esra/Nehemia-Buch /
- K.-F. Pohlmann
- K. VANDER TOORN, The Babylonian New Year Festival: new insights from the cuneiform texts and their bearing on Old Testament study /
- K. Vander Toorn
- E. Tov, The original shape of the biblical text /
- E. Tov
- L. DÍEZ MERINO, Fidelity and editorial work in the Complutensian Targum tradition /
- L. Díez Merino
- A. PIETERSMA, The Apocryphon of Jannes and Jambres /
- A. Pietersma.