The divine father : religious and philosophical concepts of divine parenthood in antiquity /
The present volume is devoted to the theme of \'Divine Father\' in Second Temple Jewish and early Christian tradition and in its ancient pagan contexts. It brings together proceedings of a conference under the same title, held in Göttingen in September 2011. Selected articles by well-known...
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,Format: eBook
Leiden :
Themes in Biblical Narrative
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2014, ISBN: 9789004262416.
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Call Number: BL215.3 .D58 2014
- Preliminary Material
- Introduction /
- Reinhard Feldmeier
- Father of the Fathers, Mother of the Mothers. God as Father (and Mother) in Ancient Egypt /
- Alexandra von Lieven
- "Vater Zeus" im griechischen Epos /
- Heinz-Günther Nesselrath
- Gott als Vater und Schöpfer. Zur Rezeption von Timaios 28c3-5 bei einigen Platonikern /
- Franco Ferrari
- The "Father" of the Old Testament and Its History /
- Hermann Spieckermann
- Divine Sonship in the Book of Jubilees /
- Jacques van Ruiten
- God as Father in Texts from Qumran /
- Lutz Doering
- God as Father in the Pentateuchal Targumim /
- Robert Hayward
- "Vater Gott und seine Kinder und Frauen" /
- Beatrice Wyss
- God the Father in Flavius Josephus /
- Mladen Popović
- "Vater . . .". Zur Bedeutung der Anrede Gottes als Vater in den Gebeten der Jesusüberlieferung /
- Florian Wilk
- Is God the Father of Jews only, or also of Gentiles? The Peculiar Shape of Paul's "Universalism" /
- Ross Wagner
- Kyrios Christos und Gottvater. Christi Herrschaft und Gottes Vaterschaft im Philipperhymnus /
- Reinhard Feldmeier
- Dominus Deus, Pater Omnipotens. Die göttlichen Verheißungen . von 2Kor 6,16-18 /
- Felix Albrecht
- The Divine Father of the Universe from the Presocratics to Celsus: The Graeco-Roman Background to the "Father of All" in Paul's Letter to the Ephesians /
- George H. van Kooten
- God the Father and Other Parents in the New Testament /
- Jane Heath
- The Divine Father in the Gospel of Truth (NHC I,3): God as causa efficiens and causa finalis /
- Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta
- Gott als Vater bei Plotin und Porphyrios /
- Ilinca Tanaseanu-Döbler
- Index of Ancient Sources
- Index of Subjects
- Index of Ancient Names
- Index of Modern Names
- Index of Places.