In search of trut h Augustine, Manichaeism and other gnosticism : studies for Johannes van Oort at sixty /
This volume in honour of Johannes van Oort, formerly University of Utrecht, presently Professor of Patristics and Gnosticism at the Universities of Nijmegen and Pretoria, and past-President of the International Association of Manichaean Studies (IAMS), brings together a rich variety of studies on Au...
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,Format: eBook
Leiden ; Boston :
Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2011, ISBN: 9789004222748.
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Call Number: BR65.A9 I5 2011
- Preliminary Material /
- J. A. Van Den Berg , A. Kotzé , T. Nicklas and M. Scopello
- 1. Protreptic, Paraenetic And Augustine's Confessions /
- Annemaré Kotzé
- 2. Allegorical Reading And Writing In Augustine's Confessions /
- Therese Fuhrer
- 3. Augustine's Confessions As A Consolation Of Philosophy /
- Josef Lössl
- 4. Augustine's Sermones 29 And 29A On Ps. 117, 1 (118, 1) Two Early Carthaginian Sermones Ad Populum On The Meaning Of Confessio During The Vigil Of Pentecost? /
- Anthony Dupont
- 5. 'Practicing What He Had Taught': Augustine's Sermons On Cyprian /
- Vincent Hunink
- 6. Die Ungeschriebenen Briefe des Augustinus von Hippo /
- Sigrid Mratschek
- 7. Einige Rechtliche und Theologische Fragen zu den Abeloitae in Augustins De Haeresibus /
- Gian Ackermans
- 8. Der Augustinische Häresiebegriff als Grundlage für die Ketzerverfolgung im Mittelalter /
- Daniela Müller
- 9. Judaism, Augustine And Pope Benedict XVI On The Plurality Of Opinions /
- Marcel Poorthuis
- 10. Le Fils Prodigue Vu Par Augustin: Un Pas Vers l'Exclusivisme de la Grâce /
- Matthias Smalbrugge
- 11. Traces Of Augustinian 'Gnosis' In Julianus Pomperius' De Vita Contemplativa /
- Paul Hendrik Fick
- 12. The Manichaean Cosmogonical Myth As A 'Re-Written Bible' /
- Eugenia Smagina
- 13. Simplicius On Manichaean Cosmogony /
- Samuel N.C. Lieu and John S. Sheldon
- 14. The Veil And Revelation Of The Father Of Greatness /
- Nils Arne Pedersen
- 15. The Treasure Of The Manichaean Spiritual Life /
- Majella Franzmann
- 16. Manichaean Ritual Practice At Ancient Kells: A New Understanding Of The Meaning And Function Of The So-Called Prayer Of The Emanations /
- Iain Gardner
- 17. Manichaeism In Late Antique Georgia? /
- Tamila Mgaloblishvili and Stephen H. Rapp Jr.
- 18. Syriac Sources And Manichaeism: A Four Hundred Year Trajectory /
- Erica C.D. Hunter
- 19. The 'Five Elements' In Manichaean Art /
- Jorinde Ebert
- 20. The Central Asian Roots Of A Chinese Manichaean Silk Painting In The Collection Of The Yamato Bunkakan, Nara, Japan /
- Zsuzsanna Gulácsi
- 21. The Discovery Of Manichaean Paintings In Japan And Their Historical Background /
- Takao Moriyasu
- 22. Jesus, Mani, And Augustine /
- J. Kevin Coyle
- 23. The Doctrine Of The Soul In Manichaeism And Augustine /
- Concetta Giuffrè Scibona
- 24. Augustine And His Sources: The 'Devil's Snares And Birdlime' In The Mouths Of Manichaeans In East And West /
- Gunner Mikkelsen
- 25. Globus Horribilis: The Role Of The Bolos In Manichaean Eschatology And Its Polemical Transformation In Augustine's Anti-Manichaean Writings /
- Byard Bennett
- 26. Optimi Viri Sanctissimique: Augustins Konzept Einer Synthese von Askese und Pastoral in De Moribus 1, 65-80. Eine Republik auf Manichäische Polemik /
- Andreas E.J. Grote
- 27. Did Augustine Win His Debate With Fortunatus? /
- Jason David BeDuhn
- 28. Secundinus in der Diskussion Mit Augustinus Über das Malum: Beobachtungen Zu den Augustinischen Quellen der Epistula Secundini /
- Andreas Hoffmann
- 29. The Disputation With Felix: Themes And Modalities Of Augustine's Polemic /
- Giulia Sfameni Gasparro
- 30. ,Apokryph Gewordene Schriften'? Gedanken Zum Apokryphenbegriff Bei Großkirchlichen Autoren Und In Einigen ,Gnostischen' Texten /
- Tobias Nicklas.