Seeking out the land : land of Israel traditions in ancient Jewish, Christian and Samaritan literature (200 BCE-400 CE) /
Seeking out the Land describes the study of the Holy Land in the Roman period and examines the complex connections between theology, social agenda and the intellectual pursuit. Holiness as a theological concept determines the intellectual agenda of the elite society of writers seeking to describe th...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2017, ISBN: 9789004327917.
Online Access: Login to view Source
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Call Number: BM496.9.P25
- Front Matter
- Copyright page /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- Editorial Statement /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- Acknowledgements /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- List of Illustrations /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- Abbreviations /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- Introduction /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- The Geography of the Land in Second Temple Literature /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- The Description of the Land of Israel in Josephus' Works /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- The Land in Rabbinic Literature /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- The Evolution of the Concept of the Sanctity of the Land /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- The Land in Early Christian Literature /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- The Land in Samaritan Literature /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- Jewish and Christian Sacred Sites in the Holy Land /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- Concern with the Land in the Roman-Byzantine Period: An Overview /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- Back Matter
- Literature /
- Zeʾev Safrai.