The books of the Maccabees : history, theology, ideology : papers of the Second International Conference on the Deuteronomical Books, Papa, Hungary, 9-11 June, 2005 /
This volume publishes papers delivered at the Second International Conference on the Deuterocanonical Books (Pápa, Hungary). This conference dealt with the Books of the Maccabees. As such, this was the most extended discussion of these books that ever took place at a scholarly meeting. The volume co...
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,Format: Conference Proceeding eBook
Leiden ; Boston :
Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2007, ISBN: 9789004222700.
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Call Number: BS1825.55 .I48 2005
- Preliminary Material /
- Géza G. Xeravits and József Zsengellér
- Has the Category of \'Deuterocanonical Books\' a Jewish Origin? /
- Gilles Dorival
- The Books of the Maccabees and Sectarianism in Second Temple Judaism /
- John Kampen
- The Famine in 1 Maccabees: History or Apology? /
- Jack Pastor
- The Biblical Conquest of the Promised Land and the Hasmonaean Wars according to 1 and 2 Maccabees /
- Katell Berthelot
- The Role of \'Scripture\' in the Last Words of Mattathias (1 Macc 2:49-70) /
- Thomas Hieke
- Die Vergangenheit als Basis für die Zukunft Mattatias' Lehre für seine Söhne aus der Geschichte in 1 Makk 2:52-60 /
- Friedrich V. Reiterer
- Irony in 2 Maccabees? /
- Tobias Nicklas
- The Origin of the Martyrdom Images: from the Book of Maccabees to the First Christians /
- Marie-Françoise Baslez
- \'As Soon as the Signal was Given\' (2 Macc 4:14): Gymnasia in the Service of Hellenism /
- János Bolyki
- God's Justice. The \'Measure for Measure\' Principle in 2 Maccabees /
- Beate Ego
- 2 Maccabees 2:13-15: Library or Canon? /
- Armin Lange
- The Libraries in 2 Macc 2:13-15, and the Torah as a Public Document in Second Century BC Judaism /
- Stefan Schorch
- Maccabees and Temple Propaganda /
- József Zsengellér
- The Deluge and the Flood of Emotions: The Use of Flood Imagery in 4 Maccabees in its Ancient Jewish Context /
- Matthias Weigold
- From the Forefathers to the \'Angry Lion.\' Qumran and the Hasmonaeans /
- Géza G. Xeravits
- Index of authors /
- Géza G. Xeravits and József Zsengellér
- Index of passages /
- Géza G. Xeravits and József Zsengellér.