Problems and Methods of the History of Religions, Proceedings of the Study Conference Organized by the Italian Society for the History of Religions on the Occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the Death of Raffaele Pettazzoni, Rome 6th to 8th December 1969. Papers and Discussions.
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden, Boston:
Numen Book Series
Numen Book Series Online, ISBN: 9789004380837.
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Call Number: BL41 .S77 1969
- Preliminary Material /
- U. Bianchi , C. J. Bleeker and A. Bausani
- La personalità morale di Raffaele Pettazzoni /
- Luigi Salvatorelli
- La méthode comparative: entre philologie et phénoménologie /
- Geo Widengren
- The Definition of Religion (On the Methodology of Historical-Comparative Research) /
- Ugo Bianchi
- The Contribution of the Phenomenology of Religion to the Study of the History of Religions /
- C. Jouco Bleeker
- Islam in the History of Religions /
- Alessandro Bausani
- Problems and Prospects of the Studies on Persian Religion /
- Gherardo Gnoli
- Some Internal and Comparative Problems in the Field of Indian Religions /
- Corrado Pensa.