Abrahamic descent, testamentary adoption, and the law in Galatians : differentiating Abraham's sons, seed, and children of promise /
In this volume, Bradley R. Trick argues that Hellenistic testamentary adoption provides the key to understanding Abrahamic descent and its implications for the law in Galatians. By thoroughly analyzing the Greco-Roman and Jewish contexts of Paul's references to testaments/covenants (διαθῆκαι) a...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Novum Testamentum, Supplements
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2017, ISBN: 9789004324404.
Online Access: Login to view Source
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Call Number: BS2685.52
- Preliminary Material /
- Bradley R. Trick
- 1 Abrahamic Descent in Galatians: Sons, Seed, and Children of Promise /
- Bradley R. Trick
- 2 The Jews as the Faith-Based Sons of Abraham in Gal 3:6-7 /
- Bradley R. Trick
- 3 Transgressing the Law in Faith as the New Expression of Jewish Sonship in Gal 3:6-14 /
- Bradley R. Trick
- 4 Testamentary Adoption, Dual Sonship, and the Identification of Christ as the Abrahamic Seed in Gal 3:15-16 /
- Bradley R. Trick
- 5 The Singularity of Abraham's Seed and the Law's Irrelevance for Inheriting the Promise in Gal 3:15-20 /
- Bradley R. Trick
- 6 The Abrahamic Seed as the Key to Understanding the Law in Gal 3:21-4:11 /
- Bradley R. Trick
- 7 The Contrast of Nonadoptive (Sinaitic) and Adoptive (Abrahamic) Testaments as Jewish "Mothers" in Gal 4:24-27 /
- Bradley R. Trick
- 8 The Interdependent Union of the Gentile Children of Promise with the Jewish Children of the Free Woman in Gal 4:21-5:1 /
- Bradley R. Trick
- 9 Jewish Sons, Christ the Seed, and the Gentile Children of Promise /
- Bradley R. Trick
- Bibliography /
- Bradley R. Trick
- Index of Authors /
- Bradley R. Trick
- Index of Ancient Sources /
- Bradley R. Trick.