A king and a fool? : the succession narrative as a satire /
In A King and a Fool? The Succession Narrative as a Satire Virginia Miller applies a new version of Douglas Muecke's taxonomy of irony to the Succession Narrative. She argues that the narrative in 2 Samuel and 1 Kings has the essential feature of satire, namely, a pervasive sense of pejorativel...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden Boston :
Biblical Interpretation Series;
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2019, ISBN: 9789004390805.
Online Access: Login to view Source
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Call Number: BS1325.52
- Front Matter
- Copyright page
- Dedication
- Epigraph
- Acknowledgments
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Historical Context and Methodology
- The Genre Debate and Satire
- Methodology and Irony
- Evidence
- David's Sins and Punishments
- Amnon's Sin and Absalom's Revenge
- The Deception of the Wise Woman of Tekoa
- Absalom's Revolt
- The Kingdom is Restored to David
- Solomon Rises to the Throne
- The Non-essential Elements of Satire
- Conclusions
- The Genre Debate: 100 Years of the Succession Narrative
- Findings
- Conclusion
- Back Matter
- Bibliography
- Index of Modern Authors
- Index of Biblical Citations
- Index of Subjects.