Christian Faith and Violence 1 /
Volumes 10 and 11 of Studies in Reformed Theology consist of the texts written for the fifth international conference of the International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI) , which was dedicated to the theme, 'Christian Faith and Violence'. Specific theological questions were at the co...
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,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden; Boston :
Studies in Reformed Theology;
Studies in Reformed Theology Online, ISBN: 9789004419483.
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Call Number: BT736.15
- Preliminary Material /
- Dirk van Keulen and Martien E. Brinkman
- No Violence in God? No Violence in us? /
- Abraham van de Beek
- Why Did God Send the Flood upon the Earth? An Interpretation of Genesis 6:1-22 /
- Gerrit Singgih
- The One and Only God: Revaluating the Process of Violence and Exclusion /
- Kune Biezeveld
- Identity and Loyalty, Faith and Violence: The Case of Deuteronomy /
- Eep Talstra
- Reconciliation in the South African Political Context: A Challenge to the Church for Community Building /
- Karel August
- The Reformed Tradition Confronting the Situations of Violence in the African Society /
- Abraham Akrong
- Herman Bavinck and the War Question /
- Dirk van Keulen
- On Justifying War and Building Peace through Justice /
- F. Sawyer
- The Protestant Churches and Ethnic Violence /
- Eddy Van der Borght
- The Dutch Reformed Mission Church and Its Struggle against Apartheid: A historical and theological Evaluation /
- Joannes Adonis
- Violence in Post-Apartheid South Africa and the Role of Church and Theology /
- Callie Coetzee
- Violence and Christian Faith: A (never-ending) Spiral of Violence? - Trying to Shake off our Violent Past in South Africa /
- Llewellyn MacMaster
- The Martyrdom of the First Protestant Missionaries in Madagascar: A Political Act? /
- Jean Ravalitera
- Violence and Non-Violence in the Heidelberg Catechism: An Exercise in Listening /
- Wim Verboom
- Authority, Resistance, Revolution and Freedom Fight in Hungarian Reformed Theology /
- Ferenc Szucs
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Question of (violent) Resistance /
- Amy van Wyk
- Jesus and the Gunmen. Why Agnes Might Be Shot: A Theological Reflection From Ambon, Based on Local Identities of Jesus /
- Elshel Maspaitella
- Church and Religious Conflict: Some Experiences of Theological Reflection during Years of Riots in Maluku /
- Steve Gaspersz
- Imagination and the Discernment of Nonviolent Solutions to Problems of Injustice: Potential Applications of the Work of Christian Educators Paulo Freire, James E. Loder, and Ignatius Loyola to Public Peace Education /
- Sandra Kunz
- List of Contributors /
- Dirk van Keulen and Martien E. Brinkman
- Index of Names /
- Dirk van Keulen and Martien E. Brinkman.