The actuality of sacrifice : past and present /
Sacrifice is a well known form of ritual in many world religions. Although the actual practice of animal sacrifice was largely abolished in the later history of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, it is still recalled through biblical stories, the ritual calendar and community events. The essays in thi...
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, , ,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2015, ISBN: 9789004287389.
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Call Number: BL570 .A28 2014
- Preliminary Material
- Introduction /
- Alberdina Houtman , Marcel Poorthuis , Joshua Schwartz and Yossi Turner
- 1 Conspicuous Destruction and the Economy of Sacrifice in the Bronze and Early Iron Age East Mediterranean /
- Louise A. Hitchcock
- 2 Reading as an Act of Offering: Reconsidering the Genre of Leviticus 1 /
- Dorothea Erbele-Küster
- 3 The Death of Moses as a Sacrifice of Atonement for the Sins of Israel: A Hidden Biblical Tradition /
- David Frankel
- 4 'So the Sons are Free': The Temple Tax in the Matthean Community /
- Eric Ottenheijm
- 5 Sacrifice in the Dead Sea Scrolls /
- Lawrence H. Schiffman
- 6 Jesus Christ, High Priest and Sacrifice according to the Epistle to the Hebrews /
- Adelbert Denaux
- 7 Sacrifice without the Rabbis: Ritual and Sacrifice in the Second Temple Period according to Contemporary Sources /
- Joshua Schwartz
- 8 Sacrifice in 'Gnostic' Testimonies of the Second and Third Centuries ce /
- Riemer Roukema
- 9 Sacrifice as Concession in Christian and Jewish Sources: The Didascalia Apostolorum and Rabbinic Literature /
- Marcel Poorthuis
- 10 Putting One's Life on the Line: The Meaning of heʿerah lamavet nafsho and Similar Expressions /
- Alberdina Houtman
- 11 Ritual is with People: Sacrifice and Society in Palestinian Yoma Traditions /
- Michael D. Swartz
- 12 Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacrifice of Christ: Thomas Aquinas against Later Thomist Theology /
- Harm Goris
- 13 On Purifying Sacrifice in the Philosophy of Don Isaac Abravanel /
- Alexander Even-Chen
- 14 Which Religion is Most Sacrificial? Reflections on the Transformations of Sacrifice in Early Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism /
- Gerard Rouwhorst
- 15 The Restoration of Sacrifices in Modern Jewish Liturgy /
- David Golinkin
- 16 Sacrifice and Repentance: The Religious Thought of Hermann Cohen, Franz Rosenzweig, and Joseph B. Soloveitchik /
- Yossi Turner
- 17 The Subject as Sacrifice? Levinas's Confusing Critique of Idealistic Subject Philosophy /
- Renée D.N. van Riessen
- 18 Can We Be at Peace without Sacrifice? The Connection between Sacrifice and Crisis in the Work of René Girard /
- Simon Simonse
- 19 Models of Interaction between Judaism and Christianity as Seen Through Artistic Representations of the Sacrifice of Isaac /
- Shulamit Laderman
- 20 'From the Blood of My Heart': Christian Iconography in the Response of Israeli Artists to the Holocaust /
- Rachel Berger
- 21 The Iconography of Gendered Sacrifice: Women's Army Corps Memorials in Israel and Great Britain /
- Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz
- 22 On Sacrifices, Victims, and Perpetrators: Israel's New Historians, Critical Artists, and Zionist Historiography /
- Judith Frishman
- 23 Tarkovsky's Sacrifice: Between Nietzsche and Christ /
- Frank G. Bosman
- Index of Names
- Index of Sources.