The Madrid Qumran congress : proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Madrid, 18-21 March, 1991 /
The material presented in these two volumes may be divided into two main sections. The first section covers biblical texts and texts which fall between the categories biblical and non-biblical. It also includes articles on topics relating to the history of the Qumran community and to the study of th...
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,Format: Conference Proceeding eBook
Leiden ; New York : Madrid :
Brill ; Editorial Complutense,
Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah
Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah Online, ISBN: 9789004378346.
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Call Number: BM487 .I58 1992
- Preliminary Material /
- Julio Trebolle Barrera and Luis Vegas Montaner
- Some Notes on a Generation of Qumran Studies /
- Frank Moore Cross
- Some Notes on a Generation of Qumran Studies (by Frank M. Cross) /
- Emanuel Tov
- Pluriformity in the Biblical Text, Text Groups, and Questions of Canon /
- Eugene Ulrich
- The Textual Status of 4Q364-367 (4QPP) /
- Emanuel Tov
- The Qumran Essenes - Local Members of the Main Jewish Union in Late Second Temple Times /
- Hartmut Stegemann
- New Qumran Readings for the Joseph Story (Genesis 37-50) /
- James R. Davila
- The Text of 4QNumb /
- Nathan Jastram
- Considerations of 4QDtj in Light of the 'All Souls Deuteronomy' and Cave 4 Phylactery Texts /
- Julie A. Duncan
- 4Q364 and 365: A Preliminary Report /
- Sidnie A. White
- A Preliminary Edition of 4QKings (4Q54) /
- Julio Trebolle Barrera
- Textual Traditions in the Book of Hosea and the Minor Prophets /
- Russell Fuller
- Textual History and Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Old Testament /
- Bruno Chiesa
- Some Features of the Hebrew Verbal Syntax in the Qumran Hodayot /
- Luis Vegas Montaner
- Celibacy in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Two Kinds of Sectarians /
- Elisha Qimron
- Pesher, Apocalyptical Literature and Qumran /
- Ida Fröhlich
- The Present State of Polish Qumranology /
- Zdzislaw jan Kapera
- Ezekiel in Some Qumran and New Testament Texts /
- George J. Brooke
- Die Bedeutung der Qumrantexte für das Verständnis des Ersten Thessalonicherbriefes. Vorstellung des Münchener Projekts: Qumran und das Neue Testament /
- Heinz-Wolfgang Kuhn
- Plates /
- Julio Trebolle Barrera and Luis Vegas Montaner
- 1lQTempleb. A Preliminary Publication /
- Florentino García Martínez
- The Temple Scroll: A Systematic Bibliography 1985-1991 /
- Florentino García Martínez
- New Light from Qumran on the Jewish Pseudepigrapha - 4Q390 /
- Devorah Dimant
- Fragments d'un apocryphe de Lévi et le personnage eschatologique. 4QTestLévic-d(?) et 4QAJa /
- Emile Puech
- The Disqualifications of Priests in 4Q Fragments of the «Damascus Document,» a Specimen of the Recovery of pre-Rabbinic Halakha /
- Joseph Baumgarten
- A Preliminary Study of 4Q373 and Some Related (?) Fragments /
- Eileen Schuller
- 4QMidrEschat: «A Midrash on Eschatology» (4Q174 + 4Q177) /
- Annette Steudel
- Shîrê 'Ôlat hash-Shabbat. Some Observations on their Calendric Implications and on their Style /
- Johann Maier
- First Day Ablutions in Qumran /
- Jacob Milgrom
- Some Aspects of Qumranic Halakhah /
- Menahem Kister
- Anti-Qumranic Polemics in the Talmud /
- Magen Broshi
- Post-Biblical Sectarianism and the Priestly Schools of the Pentateuch: The Issue of Popular Participation in the Temple Cult on Festivals /
- Israel Knohl
- 4Q471 Fragment 1 and Ma'amadot in the War Scroll /
- Esther and Hanan Eshel
- The Furnishings of the Temple According to the Temple Scroll /
- Lawrence H. Schiffman
- The Jubilees Fragments from Qumran Cave 4 /
- James C. Vanderkam
- The Qumranic Transformation of a Cosmological and Eschatological Tradition (1QH 4 :29-40) /
- George W. E. Nickelsburg
- The Texts from Naḥal Ṣe'elim (Wadi Seiyal) /
- Jonas C. Greenfield
- Plates /
- Julio Trebolle Barrera and Luis Vegas Montaner.