Revelations of Ideology: Apocalyptic Class Politics in Early Roman Palestine.
In Revelations of Ideology , G. Anthony Keddie proposes a new theory of the social function of Judaean apocalyptic texts produced in Early Roman Palestine (63 BCE-70 CE). In contrast to evaluations of Jewish and early Christian apocalyptic texts as "literature of the oppressed" or literatu...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden, Boston:
Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2018, ISBN: 9789004353275.
Online Access: Login to view Source
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Call Number: BS646
- Front Matter
- Copyright page /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- Dedication /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- Acknowledgements /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- Tables /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- Author's Note /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- Abbreviations /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- Introduction /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- Apocalyptic Criticism /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- The Fall of Class and Rise of Empire: Troubling Metanarratives /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- Apocalyptic Class Politics: A Theoretical Intervention /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- Apocalyptic Class Politics /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- Councils and Elites in the Psalms of Solomon /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- The Ill-Gotten Wealth of Kings and Landowners in the Parables of Enoch /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- Priestly Elites and Provincial Annexation in the Testament of Moses /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- Slaves to Mammon, Pharisees, and Urban Development in the Q Source /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- Conclusion /
- G. Anthony Keddie
- Back Matter
- Bibliography /
- G. Anthony Keddie.