Everyday life and the sacred : re/configuring gender studies in religion /
An interdisciplinary gender-sensitive approach toward perspectives on the everyday and the sacred are the hallmark of this volume. Looking beyond the dualistic status-quo, the authors probe the categories, textures, powers, and practices that define how we experience, embody, and understand religion...
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, ,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Studies in Theology and Religion
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2017, ISBN: 9789004328082.
Online Access: Login to view Source
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Call Number: BL65.S4
- Front Matter
- Contents
- Everyday Life and the Sacred: Gender Sensitive Explorations-Introduction /
- Angela Berlis and Anne-Marie Korte
- Categories
- God in Everyday Life1 /
- Kune Biezeveld †
- The Hope to Become Holy: Bringing Holiness and Everyday Life Together /
- Helga Kuhlmann
- A Momentary Sacred Space: Religion, Gender, and the Sacred in Everyday Life /
- Maaike de Haardt
- Time, Gender, the Sacred, and Everyday Life /
- Akke van der Kooi
- Textures
- Menstruation and the Sacred in (Post) Biblical Discourse /
- Dorothea Erbele-Küster
- Holy Wit: A Good Laugh with Samson (Judges 13-16) /
- Willien van Wieringen
- Hats, Heads, and Holiness in 1 Corinthians /
- Magda Misset-van de Weg
- Hijab: The Female Body as Boundary /
- Gé Speelman
- Powers
- The Power of Place: Port-Royal, a Wounded Place Transfigured /
- Angela Berlis
- Power of Communities: The Daily Practice of Holiness by the Sisters of the Common Life at Deventer /
- Mathilde van Dijk
- The Power of Words: Sacred and Forbidden Love Magic in Medieval Ireland /
- Jacqueline Borsje
- The Power of the Voice: Stabat Mater in Music and Text /
- Hedwig Meyer-Wilmes
- Practices
- Women as Ritual Experts in Sacralising Everyday Home Life /
- Goedroen Juchtmans
- Peace Women: Traces of the Holy/ the Sacred in the Midst of Injustice and Violence /
- Riet Bons-Storm
- Music as a Bridge: Young Women in Migrant Churches in Amsterdam /
- Alma Lanser
- Signs from Heaven: Figuring the Sacred in Contemporary Miracle Stories /
- Anne-Marie Korte
- Homemade Holiness: Re/Configuring Gender Studies in Religion-Epilogue /
- Anne-Marie Korte.