Gregory of Nyssa, Contra Eunomium II : an English version with supporting studies : proceedings of the 10th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa (Olomouc, September 15-18, 2004) /
The volume contains the contributions presented during the 10th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa, Contra Eunomium II , held in Olomouc, the Czech Republic, on September 15-18, 2004. It is organized into four major sections: (I) Two papers (Th. Kobusch, B. Studer) that contextualize the m...
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Ancient Greek
Leiden ; Boston :
Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements
Vigiliae Christianae Supplements Online, ISBN: 9789004308961.
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Call Number: BR65.G75 C666 2004
- Preliminary Materials /
- L. Karfíková , S. Douglass and J. Zachhuber
- Die Epinoia - Das Menschliche Bewusstsein In Der Antiken Philosophie /
- Theo Kobusch
- Der Theologiegeschichtliche Hintergrund Der Epinoiai-Lehre Gregors Von Nyssa /
- Basil Studer
- The Second Book Against Eunomius. An Introduction To The Translation /
- Stuart George Hall
- Gregory, Bishop Of Nyssa The Second Book Against Eunomius /
- Stuart George Hall
- Gregors Zusammenfassung Der Eunomianischen Position Im Vergleich Zum Ansatz Des Eunomius (Ce II 1-66) /
- Thomas Böhm
- Divine Infinity And Eschatology: The Limits And Dynamics Of Human Knowledge According To Gregory Of Nyssa (Ce II 67-170) /
- Morwenna Ludlow
- Die Rolle Der Epinoia Nach Eunomius Und Gregor Und Die Theologisch-Philosophischen Hintergründe (CE II 171-195) /
- Charalambos Apostolopoulos
- The Language Of God And Human Language (CE II 195-293) /
- Anthony Meredith
- Christological Titles - Conceptually Applied? (CE II 294-358) /
- Johannes Zachhuber
- Der Ursprung Der Sprache Nach Eunomius Und Gregor Vor Dem Hintergrund Der Antiken Sprachtheorien (CE II 387-444; 543-553) /
- Lenka Karfíková
- Divine Simplicity And The Plurality Of Attributes (CE II 359-386; 445-560) /
- Joseph S. O'Leary
- Gottesbezeichnungen Und Unsterblichkeit (CE II 561-627) /
- Volker H. Drecoll
- Épinoia Et Imaginaire Chez Grégoire De Nysse (CE II 172-195) /
- Evanghélos Moutsopoulos
- Limites Du Monde, Limites Du Langage Dans Le Ce II Du Grégoire De Nysse /
- Georges Arabatzis
- Glossogony or epistemology?Eunomius of cyzicus' and basil of caesarea's stoic concept of eπinoia and its misrepresentation by gregory of nyssa /
- John A. Demetracopoulos
- \'He Brandishes Over Us This Aristotelian Weapon\' (CE II 620). An Example Of (Mis)Use Of Aristotle's Name In Controversy Over Unbegottenness /
- Ladislav Chvátal
- Gregor Von Nyssa Und Plotin Zum Problem Der Gottesprädikationen - Ein Vergleich /
- Theodoros Alexopoulos
- Simplicité Et Caractère Inengendré De Dieu Selon Plotin, Eunome Et Grégoire De Nysse /
- Georgios Lekkas
- Essence And Activity (Energeia) In St. Gregory's Anti-Eunomian Polemic /
- Torstein Th. Tollefsen
- The Cognitive Function Of Epinoia In CE II And Its Meaning For Gregory Of Nyssa's Theory Of Theological Language /
- Tina Dolidze
- Gregory Of Nyssa And Theological Imagination /
- Scot Douglass
- Service Or Mastery? 'Theology' In Gregory Of Nyssa's Contra Eunomium II /
- Ari Ojell
- Eunomius' Apologia And Basil Of Caesarea's Adversus Eunomium /
- Anne-Gordon Keidel
- Die Allegorese In Der Schrift Leben Des Mose Gregors Von Nyssa Im Kontext Seiner Epinoia-Theorie /
- Tamara Aptsiauri
- Die Bedeutung Der Epinoiai In Den Predigten Gregors Von Nyssa /
- Jochen Rexer
- Abbreviations /
- L. Karfíková , S. Douglass and J. Zachhuber
- Indices /
- L. Karfíková , S. Douglass and J. Zachhuber.