Sacrifice in modernity : community, ritual, identity from nationalism and nonviolence to health care and Harry Potter /
Sacrifice seems to belong to a religious context of the past. In Sacrifice in Modernity: Community, Ritual, Identity it is demonstrated how sacrificial themes remain an essential element in our post-modern society. The shaping of community, performing rituals and the search for identity, three main...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Studies in Theology and Religion
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2016, ISBN: 9789004303942.
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Call Number: BL570
- Preliminary Material
- Sacrifice in Modernity: Community, Ritual, Identity /
- Joachim Duyndam , Anne-Marie Korte and Marcel Poorthuis
- The Kapsiki Home Sacrifice /
- Walter E. A. van Beek
- Pro Patria Mori: Sacrificing Life in Service of the Political Community /
- Theo W. A. de Wit
- Self-Sacrifice and the Other(s): Reflections on Andrei Tarkovksy's The Sacrifice /
- Frederiek Depoortere
- "Das Opferthier, das nicht vergebens fällt": The Meaning of Sacrifice in Friedrich Hölderlin's Der Tod des Empedokles /
- Rebecca Prevoo and Joachim Duyndam
- The Nonviolent Sacrifice: The Role of Tapasya in Nonviolence /
- Saskia L. E. van Goelst Meijer
- Through Fire: Creative Aspects of Sacrificial Rituals in the Vedic-Hindu Continuum /
- Albertina Nugteren
- Sacrifice in Early Christianity: The Social Dimensions of a Metaphor /
- Gerard Rouwhorst
- Ritual Slaughter, Religious Plurality and the Secularization of Dutch Society (1919-2011) /
- Bart Wallet
- Towards a Grown-Up Faith: Love as the Basis for Harry Potter's Self-Sacrifice /
- Sigrid Coenradie
- Sacrificial Scripts, Blood Values and Gender in the Twilight Vampire Narrative /
- Grietje Dresen
- Sacrificing Judith /
- Anne-Mareike Wetter
- Sacrifice and Islamic Identity /
- Abdelilah Ljamai
- Sacrifice - Action within a Relationship: A Phenomenology of Sacrifice /
- Claudia Mariéle Wulf
- Self-Sacrifice between Constraint and Redemption: Gertrud von Le Fort's The Song at the Scaffold /
- Marcel J. H. M. Poorthuis
- Religion, Suffering and Female Heroism: Transformations in the Meaning of Sacrifice in a Catholic Conversion Movement /
- Marjet Derks
- Self-Sacrifice and Care Ethics /
- Inge van Nistelrooij
- Animal Substitution as a Reversed Sacrifice: An Intertextual Reading of Genesis 22 and the Animal Stories of Shūsaku Endō /
- Sigrid Coenradie
- The Fruits of Dissent and the Operationalization of Faith: A Midrashic Reading of the Akedah /
- Elliot Lyons
- Fascination of Sacrifice /
- Kathryn McClymond
- Bibliography
- Index.