The law in the fourth gospel : the Torah and the gospel, Moses and Jesus, Judaism and Christianity according to John /
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden :
Novum Testamentum, Supplements
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online, ISBN: 9789004264557.
Online Access: Login to view Source
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Call Number: BS2545.L34 P36 1975
- Preliminary Material /
- Severino Pancaro
- Introduction /
- Severino Pancaro
- The Sabbath Question. Does Jesus Violate the Law by Working on the Sabbath ? /
- Severino Pancaro
- The Charge of Blasphemy. Does the Law Condemn Jesus for Claiming to be the Son of God ? /
- Severino Pancaro
- The Charge of False Teaching. Is the Teaching of Jesus Opposed to the Law ? /
- Severino Pancaro
- The Charge That Jesus is an Enemy of the Jewish Nation-JN 11,47-52 /
- Severino Pancaro
- The Jews Go Against the Law by Condemning Jesus-JN 7,19 and JN 7,51 /
- Severino Pancaro
- Jesus Appeals to the Law in Defence of his Sabbath "Work"-JN 7,21-23.24 /
- Severino Pancaro
- Excursus /
- Severino Pancaro
- Jesus Appeals to the Law in Defence of his Claim to be the Son of God-JN 10,34-36 /
- Severino Pancaro
- Jesus Appeals to the Law in Defence of his Teaching-Revelation /
- Severino Pancaro
- The "True Israelite" Acknowledges Jesus as the One About Whom Moses Wrote in the Law and "Confesses" him as the Son of God, the King of Israel-JN 1,45-49 /
- Severino Pancaro
- The Trial Before Pilate as the "Dénouement" of the Confrontation of Jesus with the Jews and "Their" Law /
- Severino Pancaro
- The Metamorphosis of "Nomistic Termini" in the Fourth Gospel /
- Severino Pancaro
- Thpein Ton ΛoΓon (ToγΣ ΛoΓoγΣ) /
- Severino Pancaro
- Thpein TaΣ EntoΛaΣ /
- Severino Pancaro
- The Transferral of Symbols for the Law to Jesus in the Fourth Gospel-"Bread", "Water" and "Light" : Life /
- Severino Pancaro
- The "Living Water" and the "Light of Life" /
- Severino Pancaro
- Systematic Summary and JN 1,17 /
- Severino Pancaro
- Index of Texts /
- Severino Pancaro
- Index of Authors /
- Severino Pancaro.