Retelling Scripture : "the Jews" and the scriptural citations in John 1:19-12:15 /
The last century of scholarship on the Old Testament citations in the Gospel of John has concentrated almost exclusively upon source-critical or redaction-critical issues with the aim of determining the Christological import of the citations. The current book brings a narrative-rhetorical methodolog...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Biblical Interpretation Series
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2012, ISBN: 9789004223226.
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Call Number: BS2615.6.J44 S54 2012
- Preliminary Material
- I. Introduction
- II. Literary Critical Approaches to 'the Jews' in John's Gospel
- III. The Old Testament Citations and 'the Jews'-Part I: The Beginning of Jesus' PublicMinistry (:; :)
- IV.The Old Testament Citations and 'the Jews'-Part II: Jesus among the Feasts of 'the Jews' (:, ; :-; :)
- V.The Old Testament Citations and 'the Jews'-Part III:The Close of Jesus' PublicMinistry (John :-, )
- VI. Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Index ofModern Authors
- Index of Ancient Sources.