Religions in Antiquity, Essays in Memory of Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough. Edited by J. Neusner.
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden, Boston:
Numen Book Series
Numen Book Series Online, ISBN: 9789004380837.
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Call Number: BL25 .R34
- Preliminary Material
- In Memoriam /
- Morton Smith
- An Appreciation /
- Samuel Sandmel
- Memoir /
- Alan Mendelson
- Paul and the Hellenization of Christianity /
- Erwin R. Goodenough and A. T. Kraabel
- On the Presence of God in Biblical Religion /
- Baruch A. Levine
- The Celebration of the Feast of Booths According to Zech xiv 16-21 /
- Walter Harrelson
- Psalm 118: The Song of the Citadel /
- Harry S. May
- Psychological Study of the Bible /
- Frederick C. Grant
- Rome in the East /
- Morton S. Enslin
- God's Agent in the Fourth Gospel /
- Peder Borgen
- The Samaritan Origin of the Gospel of John /
- George Wesley Buchanan
- The Earliest Hellenistic Christianity /
- Robin Scroggs
- The Purpose of the Hellenistic Patterns in the Epistle to the Hebrews /
- Robert S. Eccles
- New Testament and Gnostic Christology /
- Carsten Colpé
- Jewish Influences on the "Heliand" /
- Gilles Quispel
- The Prayer of Joseph /
- Jonathan Z. Smith
- The Concept of the Messiah in IV Ezra /
- Michael Stone
- On the Shape of God and the Humanity of Gentiles /
- Morton Smith
- The Facade of Herod's Temple, an attempted Reconstruction /
- M. Avi-Yonah
- Hellenizations in Josephus' Portrayal of Man's Decline /
- Louis H. Feldman
- Moses as God and King /
- Wayne A. Meeks
- Studies in Cynicism and the Ancient Near East: the Transformation of a Chria /
- Henry A. Fischel
- "Not by Means of an Angel and not by Means of a Messenger" /
- Judah Goldin
- Freedom within Obedience to the Torah /
- Robert M. Montgomery
- Rabbis and Community in Third Century Babylonia
- Notes on the Symbolism of the Arrow /
- Mircea Eliade
- The "Significance" of Symbols /
- Beatrice L. Goff
- The Waters of Life /
- V. W. Turner
- Helmut Koester
- A Sabazios Inscription from Sardis /
- Sherman E. Johnson
- Heavenly Enthronement and Baptism Studies in Mandaean Baptism /
- Geo Widengren
- Problems in the Study of Iranian Religions /
- Richard N. Frye
- Religionswissenschaft revisited /
- Willard Gurdon Oxtoby
- On the Universality of Symbols /
- Paul Friedman
- A Bibliography of the Writings of Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough /
- A. Thomas Kraabel
- Biblical Index
- General Index.