Hakol Kol Yaakov : The Joel Roth Jubilee Volume /
Hakol Kol Yaakov: The Joel Roth Jubilee Volume contains twenty articles dedicated to Rabbi Joel Roth, written by colleagues and students. Some are academic articles in the general area of Talmud and Rabbinics, while others are rabbinic responsa that treat an issue of contemporary Jewish law. In his...
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,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden; Boston :
The Brill Reference Library of Judaism ;
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2020, ISBN: 9789004419094.
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Call Number: BM197.5
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Notes on Contributors
- List of Donors
- Appreciation
- Arnold M. Eisen, Philip Scheim and Mitchell Cohen
- To Our Father
- Ariel Roth, on behalf of the Roth Children
- Bibliography of the Writings of Rabbi Joel Roth
- Noah Bickart and Akiva Roth
- 1 Halakhah, Theology and Psychology: The Case of Maimonides and Obadiah the Proselyte
- Eliezer Diamond
- 2 Providing References for Schools or Jobs, HM 28:1.2014
- Elliott Dorff and Marc Gary
- 3 Mikveh and the Sanctity of Being Created Human
- Susan Grossman
- 4 On the Recitation of "Amen" between Ge'ulah and Tefillah of the Shaharit Service
- Robert A. Harris
- 5 Nishmat Kol Hai : A Literary and Spiritual Commentary
- Jeff Hoffman
- 6 Mar'it Ozen : From the Ancient Water-mill to Automated Electronic Devices
- Joshua Kulp and Jason Rogoff
- 7 Who Gets a Voice at the Table?: Eating and Blessing with Rav Naḥman
- Marjorie Lehman
- 8 Contemporary Criteria for the Declaration of Death
- Daniel S. Nevins
- 9 Big Data Meets the Shulḥan Arukh
- Michael Pitkowsky
- 10 The Joint Bet Din of the Conservative Movement
- Mayer E. Rabinowitz
- 11 Balancing Rabbinic Authority and Personal Freedom in the Modern Age
- Avram Israel Reisner and Murray Singerman
- 12 The Death of Rabbi Eliezer: Bavli Sanhedrin 68a
- Jeffrey L. Rubenstein
- 13 Ve-Shuv Limlakhah u-Shvut : An Older Theoretical Framework
- Marcus Mordecai Schwartz
- 14 From Confidence to Confusion: Structure and Meaning in Psalm 27
- Benjamin D. Sommer
- 15 Elucidating Talmudic suryaqe -an Exercise in Talmudic Lexicography
- Shamma Friedman
- 16 Open Ye the Gates: Procedure for Returning the Torah to the Ark
- Joseph H. Prouser
- 17 היגיון ולשון: התפתחותה של סוגית ״אתי דיבור ומבטל דיבור״
- נח בנימין ביקרט
- 18 תשובה בעניין ביקורת המקרא
- דוד גולינקין
- 19 עיון בסוגיית ״הוא לפדות ובנו לפדות״ (בכורות מט ע״ב)
- י״ש מילגראם
- 20 רבי משה יהודה עבאס-חכם שנשכח: על קורותיו וכתביו שטרם ראו אור
- שמואל גליק
- Index.