Jews and Christians in the first and second centuries : how to write their history /
The papers in this volume are organized around the ambition to reboot the writing of history about Jews and Christians in the first two centuries CE. Many are convinced of the need for a new perspective on this crucial period that saw both the birth of rabbinic Judaism and apostolic Christianity and...
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,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum
Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum Special E-Book Collection, 1974-2014, ISBN: 9789004280090.
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Call Number: DS122.9 .J49 2014
- Front Matter /
- Peter J. Tomson and Joshua Schwartz
- Introduction /
- Peter J. Tomson and Joshua Schwartz
- How Later Contexts Affect Pauline Content, or: Retrospect is the Mother of Anachronism /
- Paula Fredriksen
- Flourishing before the Crisis: Mapping Judaean Society in the First Century CE /
- Eyal Regev
- The Carabas Affair (in Flacc 36-39): An Incident Emblematic of Philo's Political Philosophy /
- Baudouin Decharneux
- The Jewishness of Jude-James-Hebrews in Light of Purity /
- Huub van de Sandt
- Animal Sacrifice and Political Identity in Rome and Judaea /
- James B. Rives
- Why Did Judaeans Go to War with Rome in 66-67CE? Realist-Regional Perspectives /
- Steve Mason
- 'Men Casually Armed against Fully Equipped Regulars': The Roman Military Response to Jewish Insurgence 63BCE-135CE /
- Adrian Goldsworthy
- Yavne Revisited: Jewish 'Survival' in the Wake of the War of Destruction /
- Joshua Schwartz
- The Destruction of the Temple and the Conformation of Judaism and Christianity /
- J. Andrew Overman
- Socio-Economic and Cultural Developments in the Galilee from the Late First to the Early Third Century CE /
- Zeʾev Safrai
- 'Jews' and 'Christians' in the Eyes of Roman Authors c. 100CE /
- John M.G. Barclay
- The Fiscus Judaicus: Its Social and Legal Impact and a Possible Relation with Josephus' Antiquities /
- Marius Heemstra
- The Didache, Matthew, and Barnabas as Sources for Early Second Century Jewish and Christian History /
- Peter J. Tomson
- Beyond Naming: Laws of Minim in Tannaic Literature and the Early Rabbinic Discourse of Minut /
- Adiel Schremer
- The Rule of the Martian in the Ancient Diaspora: Celsus and His Jew /
- Albert I. Baumgarten
- Yetser Ha-Ra and Daimones: A Shared Ancient Jewish and Christian Discourse /
- Ishay Rosen-Zvi
- Abbreviations /
- Peter J. Tomson and Joshua Schwartz
- Bibliography /
- Peter J. Tomson and Joshua Schwartz
- Indexes /
- Peter J. Tomson and Joshua Schwartz.