Christian identity /
In this age of globalization, a need for a communicative explanation of personal and group positions also motivates Christians to describe more precisely their identity in relation to other actors in society. What makes a Christian a Christian? What is specifically Christian in social acions or poli...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Studies in Reformed Theology
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2008, ISBN: 9789004223080.
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Call Number: BV4509.5 .I58 2008
- Preliminary Material /
- A.J.G. Van Der Borght
- Christian Identity: An Introduction /
- Eduardus Van Der Borght
- Christian Identity Is Identity In Christ /
- Abraham Van De Beek
- Devastating Grace: Justificatio Impii And I-Dentity /
- Phillipe (Flip) Theron
- Christian Identity As Baptismal Identity /
- Christiaan Mostert
- Christian Baptism And An Identity Of Inclusivity, Dignity, And Holiness /
- Nico Koopman
- Christian Identity And National Identity /
- Ferenc Szucs
- Christian Identity. Augustine On Faith, Hope, And Love /
- J.H. (Amie) Van Wyk
- Identity And Remembrance /
- Binsar Pakpahan
- Christian Identity In An Age Of Difference /
- Jaco Kruger
- Confessionality And Identity Of The Church-A Reformed Perspective /
- Conrad Wethmar
- Confessing The Faith And Confessions Of Faith /
- Alan P.F. Sell
- Christian Identity And Church Unity /
- Callie Coetzee
- Transforming Identities: Reformed Churches And The Petrine Dialogue /
- Clint Le Bruyns
- Identity And Ministry /
- Eduardus Van Der Borght
- The Church'S Corporate Culture And Identity /
- Johan Buitendag
- Why Are You Called A Christian? Question 32 Of The Heidelberg Catechism /
- Willem Verboom
- Salt, Yeast, Lamps, And Gadflies: Biblical Guides For Christian Identity And Civil Society /
- Carol M. Bechtel
- Christian Identity In The Context Of Social-Economic Tensions /
- Osni Ferreira
- Stranger In A Familiar Land: Living As A Christian In Christian Nationalism /
- Annette Mosher
- Christian Identity In The Public Square-Karl Barth On The Beyers Naudé Centre For Public Theology /
- Martin Laubscher
- Christian Identity And Calling In A .Com World /
- Frank Sawyer
- Christians And The Religions: Towards A Contextual Theology Of Religions /
- Hendrick M. Vroom
- Christian Identity In Inter-Religious Dialogue: The Challenge Of Hans Kung'S Strategy /
- Paul Kruger
- Freedom Of Religion And The South African Constitution-The Position Of Christian Identity /
- Pieter Coertzen
- Affirming Christian Identity Within Indonesian Society /
- Bambang Subandrijo
- Christian Identity In The Korean Context /
- Seung-Goo Lee
- African-Caribbean Perspectives On Christian Identity: Emerging Challenges For Global Christianity /
- Daniel J. Antwi
- Christianity Or African Christianity? On Christian Identity In Sub-Saharan Africa /
- Godwin I. Akper
- The Inevitability Of Culture And Its Continued Struggle With Christianity: A Challenge For Reformed Theology In South Africa Today /
- Rothney Stok Tshaka
- The Quest For African Christian Women'S Identity /
- Akua Frimpong
- Challenges Of Christian Identity In The Hungarian Reformed Context /
- Szilveszter Fusti-Molnar
- Protestant Identity In An Orthodox Context: The Example Of Serbia /
- Luka Ilić and Angela Ilić
- The Identity Of A Religious Minority: Innovation And Integration In French Protestantism /
- Paul Wells
- On The Way To The Living God In Post-Christian Amsterdam. A Sevenfold Invitation To Overcome The Crisis Of The Church /
- Willem J. De Wit
- Index /
- A.J.G. Van Der Borght.