2 Peter and the Apocalypse of Peter : towards a new perspective : Radboud prestige lectures by Jörg Frey /
In the 2016 Radboud Prestige Lectures , published in this volume, Jörg Frey develops a new perspective on 2 Peter by arguing that the letter is dependent on the Apocalypse of Peter . Frey argues that reading 2 Peter against the backdrop of the Apocalypse of Peter sheds new light on many longstanding...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Boston :
Biblical Interpretation Series
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2019, ISBN: 9789004390805.
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Call Number: BS2795.52 .A13 2019
- Front Matter
- Copyright page
- Contributors
- Introduction: A Second Look at Second Peter /
- Matthijs den Dulk
- Second Peter in New Perspective /
- Jörg Frey
- The Apocalypse of Peter as the First Christian Martyr Text: Its Date, Provenance and Relationship with 2 Peter /
- Jan N. Bremmer
- Petrus-Diskurse in Alexandria: Eine Fortführung der Gedanken von Jörg Frey /
- Tobias Nicklas
- The Second Letter of Peter, Josephus and Gnosticism /
- Terrance Callan
- 2 Peter, the Johannine Epistles, and the Authority of "Eyewitness" Apostolic Tradition /
- David R. Nienhuis
- Reading 2 Peter 3 in the Light of the Apocalypse of Peter and the Sibylline Oracles /
- Jeremy Hultin
- 'In Aegyptum, ut denuo disseratur de me' /
- Martin G. Ruf
- Does the Apocalypse of Peter Help to Determine the Date of 2 Peter? /
- Paul Foster
- 2 Peter and the Apocalypse of Peter Revisited: A Response to Jörg Frey /
- Richard Bauckham
- 2 Peter and the Apocalypse of Peter: Concluding Reflections /
- Jörg Frey
- Back Matter
- Index of Ancient Sources
- Index of Modern Authors.