Congress volume : Oslo 1998 /
This Congress Volume comprises not only the main lectures of the XVIth I.O.S.O.T. Congress, held in Oslo 1998, but also the interventions at the two panels on \'Intertextuality and the Pluralism of Methods\' and on \'The Hebrew Bible and History\'. Both the main lectures and the...
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Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Supplements to Vetus Testamentum,
v. 80
Vetus Testamentum, Supplements
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online, ISBN: 9789004264991.
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Call Number: BS410 BS1171.2 .V452 vol. 80
- Preliminary Material /
- A. Lemaire and M. Sæbø
- Crossing Borders on Five Norwegian Bible Scholars /
- Magne Sæbø
- Intertextuality and Hebrew Bible /
- Kirsten Nielsen
- Intertextuality and the \'Final Form\' of the Text /
- John Barton
- Types of Biblical Intertextuality /
- Michael Fishbane
- (Mis)Use of Intertextuality in Qoheleth Exegesis /
- Antoon Schoors
- Genèse Xviii 6-Intertextualité Et Interprétation: \'Tout Fait Farine Au Bon Moulin\' /
- Jean Louis Ska
- The Rhetoric of Recollection /
- Patricia K. Tull
- The Gate of Megiddo and the Debate on the 10th Century /
- Baruch Halpern
- No More Grapes from the Vineyard? A Plea for a Historical Critical Approach in the Study of the Old Testament /
- Bob Becking
- Can Biblical Texts be Dated Linguistically? Chronological Perspectives in the Historical Study of Biblical Hebrew /
- Avi Hurvitz
- Onomastik Zwischen Linguistik Und Geschichte /
- Stig Norin
- Zur Funktion Der Soziologie 1M Studium Des Alten Testaments /
- Christa Schäfer-Lichtenberger
- Writing Israel's History at the end of the Twentieth Century /
- Lester L. Grabbe
- Kinneret and Naftali /
- Ernst Axel Knauf
- Histoire Impériale Et Histoire Régionale. À Propos De L'histoire De Juda Dans L'empire Achéménide /
- Pierre Briant
- Clio's Dilemma: The Changing Face of History-Writing /
- Diana Edelman
- Israelite and Near Eastern Historiography /
- Amélie Kuhrt
- In the Stable With the Dwarves: Testimony, Interpretation, Faith and the History of Israel /
- Iain Provan
- Problems of Genre and Historicity with Palestine's Inscriptions /
- Thomas L. Thompson
- Ugaritic Studies and the Hebrew Bible, 1968-1998 (with an Excursus on Judean Monotheism and the Ugaritic Texts) /
- Mark S. Smith
- The Deuteronomists Between History and Theology /
- Graeme Auld
- Biblical Wisdom Literature at the End of the Modern Age /
- Gerald T. Sheppard
- Psalmenforschung Nach Hermann Gunkel Und Sigmund Mowinckel /
- Erich Zenger
- Qumrân Et Le Texte De L'ancien Testament /
- Émile Puech
- The Future of Old Testament Theology /
- Mark G. Brett
- Von Stand Und Zukunft Der Alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft /
- Otto Kaiser.