Umayyad legacies : medieval memories from Syria to Spain /
The Umayyads, the first dynasty of Islam, ruled over a vast empire from their central province of Syria, providing a line of caliphs from 661 to 750. Another branch later ruled in al-Andalus - Islamic Spain - from 756 to 1031, ruling first as emirs and then as caliphs themselves. This book is the fi...
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Leiden, The Netherlands ; Boston :
Islamic History and Civilization
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2010, ISBN: 9789004223059.
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Call Number: DP107 .U63 2010
- Preliminary Material /
- A. Borrut and P. M. Cobb
- Introduction. Toward A History Of Umayyad Legacies /
- Antoine Borrut and Paul M. Cobb
- La memoria omeyyade : les Omeyyades entre souvenir et oubli dans les sources narratives islamiques /
- Antoine Borrut
- 'Umar ibn 'Abd al-'Azīz, al-Walīd ibn Yazīd and their Kin: Images of the Umayyads in the Kitāb al-Aghānī /
- Hilary Kilpatrick
- Medieval Explanations For The Fall Of The Umayyads /
- Steven C. Judd
- Perceptions Of The Umayyads In Christian Spanish Chronicles /
- Olivia Remie Constable
- Les sources de l'histoire omeyyade dans l'œuvre d'Ibn al-'Adīm /
- Anne-Marie Eddé
- Le califat omeyyade selon Ibn Khaldūn : revanche des impies ou fondation de l'empire ? /
- Gabriel Martinez-Gros
- Umayyad Efforts at Legitimation: The Umayyads' Silent Heritage /
- Fred M. Donner
- Notule sur le patrimonialisme omeyyade /
- Christian Décobert
- The Names of Estates in State Registers before and after the Arabization of the Dīwāns /
- Wadād al-Qādị̄
- Analogies entre les grandes mosquées de Damas et Cordoue : mythe ou réalité ? /
- Susana Calvo Capilla
- The al-Mughīra Pyxis and Spanish Umayyad Ivories: Aims and Tools of Power /
- Sophie Makariou
- Sacred Topography In Medieval Syria And Its Roots Between The Umayyads And Late Antiquity /
- Mattia Guidetti
- La méditerranée musulmane, un héritage omeyyade /
- Christophe Picard
- An Umayyad Legacy for the Early Islamic City: Fusṭāṭ and the Experience of Egypt /
- Donald Whitcomb
- Formation et devenir du paysage architectural omeyyade : l'apport de l'archéologie /
- Denis Genequand
- Los palacios omeyas, entre oriente y occidente (With English Summary) /
- Antonio Almagro
- English Summary The Umayyad Palaces, Between The East And The West /
- A. Borrut and P. M. Cobb
- Index /
- A. Borrut and P. M. Cobb
- Colour Plates /
- A. Borrut and P. M. Cobb.