From the Greeks to the Arabs and Beyond : Volume 3: From God´s Wisdom to Science: A. Islamic Theology and Sufism, B. History of Science /
From the Greeks to the Arabs and Beyond written by Hans Daiber, is a six volume collection of Daiber's scattered writings, journal articles, essays and encyclopaedia entries on Greek-Syriac-Arabic translations, Islamic theology and Sufism, the history of science, Islam in Europe, manuscripts an...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden; Boston :
Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies ;
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2021, ISBN: 9789004441286.
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Call Number: B741
- Front Matter
- Preliminary Material /
- Author: Hans Daiber
- Copyright Page /
- Author: Hans Daiber
- Abbreviations /
- Author: Hans Daiber
- Rules of Transliteration /
- Author: Hans Daiber
- Part A Islamic Theology and Sufism
- Chapter 1 Gottesliebe und menschliche Größe im frühen Islam
- Das Beispiel von Rābiʿa al-ʿAdawiyya (95/714 oder 98/717-185/801)
- Chapter 2 Sharing Religious Experience as a Problem in Early Islamic Mysticism
- Chapter 3 Literarischer Prozess zwischen Fiktion und Wirklichkeit
- Ein Beispiel aus der klassisch-arabischen Erzählliteratur
- Chapter 4 Rebellion gegen Gott
- Formen atheistischen Denkens im frühen Islam
- Chapter 5 Šaqāwa
- Chapter 6 Muʿammar Ibn ʿAbbād as-Sulamī
- Chapter 7 Muḥammad Ibn Aṣbaġ
- Chapter 8 Murdār, Abū Mūsā ʿĪsā Ibn Ṣubayḥ al-
- Chapter 9 Zur Erstausgabe von Māturīdī, Kitāb at-Tawḥīd
- Chapter 10 Die Stellung des Theologen Abū l-Layṯ as-Samarqandī in der Schule des Māturīdī
- Ilahiyatçı Abū l-Layṯ as-Samarqandī'nin Māturīdī Okulu'ndaki Yeri
- Chapter 11 The Creed (ʿAqīda) of the Hanbalite Ibn Qudāma al-Maqdisī
- A Newly Discovered Text
- Chapter 12 The Qurʾān as a "Shibboleth" of Varying Conceptions of the Godhead
- A 6th/12th-Century Hanbalite-Ashʿarite Discussion and Its Theological Sequel in the Protocol of Ibn Qudāma al-Maqdisī
- Chapter 13 Die Kreuzzüge im Lichte islamischer Theologie
- Theologische Interpretamente bei Abū Šāma (gest. 665/1268)
- Chapter 14 Maqāla fī r-radd ʿalā l-Muǧbira (MS Naǧaf) Attributed to ʿAbd al-Ǧabbār al-Hamaḏānī
- Chapter 15 Plague and Consolation in a Newly Discovered Text by Zakariyāʾ al-Anṣārī (d. 926/1520)
- Reviews /
- Author: Hans Daiber
- Part B History of Science
- Chapter 1 Die Technik im Islam
- Chapter 2 الإسلام وعلاقته بالعلم والتقنية
- نظرة في الجدل المعاصر حول تاريخ العلم، والحقيقة التاريخية
- Chapter 3 The Way from God's Wisdom to Science in Islam
- Modern Discussions and Historical Background
- Chapter 4 Erkenntnistheoretische Grundlagen der Wetterprognose bei den Arabern
- Das Beispiel von Kindī, dem "Philosophen der Araber" (3./9. Jh.)
- Chapter 5 Meteorology among the Arabs
- Chapter 6 Qusṭā Ibn Lūqā (3./9. Jh.) über die Einteilung der Wissenschaften
- Chapter 7 Fārābīs Abhandlung über das Vakuum
- Quellen und Stellung in der islamischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Chapter 8 The Contribution of Islam to Science in the 4th/10th Century
- The Case of Abū l-Faḍl Ibn al-ʿAmīd
- Chapter 9 الوزير البويهي أبو الفضل ابن العميد
- ليوناردو دافنشي من القرن العاشر الميلادي
- Chapter 10 Abū l-Faraǧ Ibn aṭ-Ṭayyib on Plants
- An Inquiry into His Sources
- Chapter 11 Die Faḍāʾil-Literatur als Quelle der Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Das Beispiel des ägyptischen Historikers Ibn Zūlāq (4./10. Jh.)
- Chapter 12 Science Connecting Scholars and Cultures in Ḫwārazm
- The Case of Ḫwārazmšāh Maʾmūn Ibn Maʾmūn (regn. 399/1009-407/1017)
- Chapter 13 Aristotle's Meteorology in 18th-Century Egypt
- Damanhūrī (1100/1689 or 1690-1192/1778), ʿAyn al-ḥayāt fī ʿilm istinbāṭ al-miyāh
- Reviews /
- Author: Hans Daiber.