Būluṣ ibn Rajāʾ : The Fatimid Egyptian Convert Who Shaped Christian Views of Islam /
Būluṣ ibn Rajāʾ (ca. 955-ca. 1020) was a celebrated writer of Coptic Christianity from Fatimid Egypt. Born to an influential Muslim family in Cairo, Ibn Rajāʾ later converted to Christianity and composed The Truthful Exposer ( Kitāb al-Wāḍiḥ bi-l-Ḥaqq ) outlining his skepticism regarding Islam. His...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Arabic Christianity ;
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Call Number: D127
- Acknowledgements
- List of Figures
- Abbreviations
- Note on Translation and Transliteration
- Part 1 Study
- 1 The Life of Būluṣ ibn Rajāʾ
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Ibn Rajāʾ and the Fatimid Era
- 3 The Biography of Būluṣ ibn Rajāʾ
- 2 The Context for Ibn Rajāʾ's The Truthful Exposer
- 1 Title, Date, and Audience: Copts and Muslims ca. 1009-1012
- 2 Ibn Rajāʾ's Intellectual Circles
- 3 Ibn Rajāʾ on Muslim Conversion to Christianity
- 3 The Arguments and Sources of The Truthful Exposer
- 1 Ibn Rajāʾ on the Qurʾan
- 2 Ibn Rajāʾ on Muḥammad
- 3 Ibn Rajāʾ on the Hadith
- 4 Ibn Rajāʾ's Use of Intra-Islamic Disputations
- 5 Ibn Rajāʾ's Use of Christian Arabic Sources
- 4 The Reception of The Truthful Exposer
- 1 Literary Afterlife from the Mediterranean to Europe
- 2 A Comparative Analysis of the Arabic and Latin Versions
- 3 The Arabic Manuscripts and Notes
- Part 2 The Truthful Exposer ( Kitāb al-Wāḍiḥ bi-l-Ḥaqq )
- Introduction: Būluṣ ibn Rajāʾ's Conversion and Purpose for Writing
- 1 On Divisions among Muslims: A Lack of Consensus about the Qurʾan and Interpretation
- 2 A Refutation of the Alleged Alteration of the Torah and the Gospel
- 3 On Muḥammad as a Prophet of the Sword; Anecdotes of Christians Living under Islam
- 4 On Those Who Converted to Islam in Fear of the Sword
- 5 On Musaylima the False Prophet and al-ʿAnsī
- 6 On Muḥammad's Claim of How the Revelation Came to Him
- 7 On the Meaning of the Qurʾan: Different Texts and Readings ( qirāʾāt ) of the Qurʾan
- 8 On What Muslims Have Lost from the Qurʾan
- 9 On Their Agreement about Marwān Ibn al-Ḥakam's Version
- 10 On the Authority of Interpreting the Qurʾan
- 11 On Inconsistencies and Repetitions in the Qurʾan
- 12 On the Subject of Mary the Copt
- 13 On Sexual Themes in the Qurʾan
- 14 On the Zayd Scandal
- 15 On the Repetition of Passages in the Qurʾan Taken from the Torah, Psalms, and Gospel
- 16 On the Inimitability of the Qurʾan
- 17 On the Audience for the Qurʾan and the Bible as a Source
- 18 On Contradictions in the Qurʾan
- 19 A Refutation of Muḥammad's Alleged Favor over Other Prophets
- 20 A Refutation of Muḥammad's Never Disbelieving or Worshipping Idols
- 21 A Refutation of Equating Jesus with Adam (Q 3:59)
- 22 A Response on the Anthropomorphizing of God in Christianity and the Qurʾan
- 23 A Response on the Union of Jesus Christ at the Incarnation
- 24 A Response on the Crucifixion of Christ (Q 4:157)
- 25 On the Destruction of the Kaʿba
- 26 On the Black Stone
- 27 On the Pilgrimage to Mecca
- 28 On the Sacrifice of Cattle and Camels
- 29 On Contradictions in the Qurʾan and Oral Traditions
- 30 On Marriage and Divorce in the Qurʾan; On Muḥammad's Night Journey
- 31 Conclusion: Closing Exhortation
- 32 Appendix: Additional Contradictions in the Qurʾan
- Bibliography
- Index of The Truthful Exposer
- Index of Biblical and Qurʾanic Citations
- Index of People, Places, and Subjects.