From mine to microscope : advances in the study of ancient technology /
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Language: English
Oxford, UK : Oakville, CT :
Oxbow Books ; [Distributed in the U.S. by] D. Brown Bk. Co.,
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Call Number: T16 .F76 2009
- Lead frits in Islamic and Hispano-Moresque glazed productions The emergence of ceramic technology and its evolution as revealed with the use of scientific techniques Neolithic pottery from Switzerland: raw materials and manufacturing processes Low-tech in Amalfi: provenance and date assignation of medieval Middle-Eastern pottery by application of eyeball technique Some implications of the use of wood ash in Chinese stoneware glazes of the 9th-12th centuries The Hispano-Moresque tin glazed ceramics produced in Teruel, Spain: a technology between two historical periods, 13th to 16th c. AD Beads beyond number: faience from the 'Isis Tomb' at Vulci, Italy Egyptian blue in Greek painting between 2500 and 50 BC Links between glazes and glass in mid-2nd millennium BC Mesopotamia and Egypt The fish's tale: a foreign glassworker at Amarna? Ancient copper red glasses: investigation and analysis by microbeam techniques The provenance of archaeological plant ash glasses Microanalysis of glass by Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy New thoughts on niello From mine to microbe - the Neolithic copper melting crucibles from Switzerland Across the wine dark seas... sailor tinkers and royal cargoes in the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean What a long, strange trip it's been: lead isotopes and archaeology The juice of the pomegranate: processing and quality control of alumen in antiquity, and making sense of Pliny's Phorimon and Paraphoron Finding the Floorstone 'Sweet waste': The industrial waste from the medieval sugar refinery at the Tawahin es-Sukkar in Jordan.