The Dead Sea Scrolls in the Context of Hellenistic Judea : Proceedings of the Tenth Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies (Aberdeen, 5-8 August, 2019) /
This volume situates the Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls within Hellenistic Judea. By so doing, this volume shows how the Dead Sea Scrolls participate in broad, cross-cultural intellectual discourses that surpass the Jewish group that produced and collected these scrolls.
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Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah ;
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Call Number: BS1238.N6
- The Dead Sea Scrolls in the Context of Hellenistic Judea Notes on Contributors
- Introduction
- 1 Parasitism beyond Ethics /
- Thorsten Botz-Bornstein
- 2 The Paradoxical Universal of Korean Cinema /
- Steve Choe
- 3 Parasite from Text to Context An Ethical Stalemate and New Auteurism in Global Cinema /
- Seung-hoon Jeong
- 4 From Superfluous to Parasitic Russian Literature, Arendt and Korean Modernity /
- Daniel Regnier
- 5 Notes from the (Korean) Underground Being-in-the-world Is Being-a-Parasite /
- Richard McDonough
- 6 Mice and Cockroaches Parasite through Nietzsche and Dostoevsky /
- Paolo Stellino
- 7 Planning Not to Plan The Fantasy and Failure of Underclass Solidarity in Parasite /
- Daniel Conway
- 8 Bong Joon Ho's Parasite Viewed in the Context of Pasolini's Theorem and Deleuze's Filmic Theories /
- Tony Partridge
- 9 From Parasites to Monsters The Unfulfilled Promises of Serres' Parasitism in Bong Joon-ho's Neoliberal Social Allegories /
- Hye Seung Chung
- 10 Parasite: A Predicative or a Substantial Concept? /
- Vincenzo Lomuscio
- 11 "A System of Apprehensions" The Art of Parasitism in Lucian's De Parasito and Bong Joon-ho's Parasite /
- Giannis Stamatellos
- 12 The Parasite Is the Truth of the System /
- Hyun Kang Kim
- 13 Parasite and Identity in the "End Times" An Interpretation of Bong Joon-Ho's Film through the Lens of Slavoj Žižek /
- Michelle Phillips Buchberger
- 14 Parasite as a Scaled-Down Disaster Film /
- Enrico Terrone
- 15 Symbiosis, Interruption, and Exchange Parasite after Serres' The Parasite /
- Michael Weinman and Shai Biderman
- IndexPieter B. Hartog and Andrew B. Perrin
- Understanding Hellenistic and Roman History in the Dead Sea Scrolls
- Kenneth Atkinson
- "Think of the Kings of Israel and Contemplate Their Deeds"
- 4QMMT, Royal Edification, and Elite Negotiation in Hellenistic Judea
- Rotem Avneri Meir
- The Two-Ways Notion in the Qumran Texts
- Devorah Dimant
- Homeric Paraphrase and the Study of Scriptures at Qumran
- Pieter B. Hartog
- As "Ephraim Departed from Judah"
- The Perception of a Divided Nation in the Damascus Document
- Hanne Irene Kirchheiner
- Charting Constellations of Aramaic Jewish Pseudepigrapha at Qumran
- Andrew B. Perrin
- With God (and the Angels) on Our Side
- A Comparison of Celestial Assistance in the War Scroll and 2 Maccabees
- Matthew L. Walsh
- The Dead Sea Scrolls in the Context of Hellenistic Jewish Historiography
- Gareth Wearne.