Written for Us: Paul's Interpretation of Scripture and the History of Midrash /
This volume re-introduces Paul into the study of midrash. Though Paul writes and interprets scripture in Greek and the Tannaim in Hebrew, and despite grave methodological difficulties in claiming direct and substantial cultural contact between these literary traditions, this book argues that Paul is...
Main Author:
Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2022.
Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism ;
Online Access: Login to view Source
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Call Number: BS2650.52
- Preliminary Material /
- Yael Fisch
- Copyright page /
- Yael Fisch
- Dedication /
- Yael Fisch
- Acknowledgments /
- Yael Fisch
- Introduction /
- Yael Fisch
- Chapter 1 Scripture Reconceived /
- Yael Fisch
- Chapter 2 Hagar and Sarah /
- Yael Fisch
- Chapter 3 Veiling and Unveiling /
- Yael Fisch
- Conclusion /
- Yael Fisch
- Appendix Locations of Midrash-Pesher Homilies in Tannaitic Literature /
- Yael Fisch
- References /
- Yael Fisch
- Index of Ancient Texts /
- Yael Fisch
- Index of Subjects /
- Yael Fisch.