A History of Modern Jewish Religious Philosophy : Volume IV: The Crisis of Humanism (II). The End of the Jewish Center in Germany /
The last generation of German Jewish philosophers brought the long, tragic history of German-Jewish creative thought to a close in a blaze of glory, while transitioning to the new Jewish creative centers in Israel and America. The best known (Buber, Rosenzweig, Baeck, Strauss, Scholem) and the less...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Supplements to The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy ;
Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online, Collection 2023.
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Call Number: B5800
- Preliminary Material /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Copyright page /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Acknowledgements /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Abbreviations /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Historical Introduction /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Chapter 1 German Jewry Faces the Prospect of Its Impending Destruction /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Chapter 2 The Return to Eternal Roots: The Encounter between the People and Its God-the Philosophy of Martin Buber /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Chapter 3 The People Living Eternity in Time: The Religious Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Chapter 4 The Traditional, Pan-Jewish Turn in Reform: The Teaching of Leo Baeck /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Chapter 5 The Paradox of Right-Wing Modern Orthodoxy: The Thought of Isaac Breuer /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Chapter 6 The Decline of Life or the Birth Pangs of Redemption?-Jacob Klatzkin and Yeshayahu Aviad (Oskar Wolfsberg) /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Chapter 7 The Awakening of Modern Jewish Thought in France /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Chapter 8 Amid the Uprooting to New Centers: "Are We Still Jews?"-Julius Guttmann, Leo Strauss, and Gershom Scholem in the German Phase of Their Careers /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Source Texts to Chapters 5-8 /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Glossary /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Bibliography /
- Eliezer Schweid
- Index /
- Eliezer Schweid.