Congress Volume Aberdeen 2019 /
This volume presents the main lectures of the 23rd Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT) held in Aberdeen, United Kingdom, in August 2019. Twenty internationally distinguished scholars present their current research on the Hebrew Bible, including the l...
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, ,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Vetus Testamentum, Supplements ;
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Call Number: BS1171.2
- Contents
- Preface
- List of Tables and Figures
- Abbreviations
- Contributors
- 1 The Weight of Justice: Counting, Weighing, and Measuring in Ancient Israel's Social and Intellectual Worlds /
- Joachim Schaper
- 2 The Seventh Day in Genesis 2:2-3 and the Change from Kingship to Sabbath /
- Matthijs de Jong
- 3 Reciprocity, Rejection, and Rhetoric: New Perspectives on the Prophets and the Cult /
- Göran Eidevall
- 4 Le texte du Lévitique. Regard d'un éditeur de la Biblia Hebraica Quinta /
- Innocent Himbaza
- 5 Towards a "Cognitive Philology": Reading Hos 11:1-4 with the Shades /
- Jeremy M. Hutton
- 6 The Messianic Controversy /
- Israel Knohl
- 7 Wahre Stadt und heiliger Berg bei Jesaja und Sacharja /
- Corinna Körting
- 8 Contextual Readings of the Song of Songs in the Pre-modern Period /
- Timothy H. Lim
- 9 Between Pietism and Totemism: The Old Testament in the Letters of William Robertson Smith /
- Bernhard Maier
- 10 « Dioikeî tà pánta ». Sg 8,1 et son contexte philosophique /
- Luca Mazzinghi
- 11 The Origins of Deuteronomic "Law" /
- Sara Milstein
- 12 The Voice from the Fire /
- R. W. L. Moberly
- 13 Textual Unities and Poetic Processes in Ancient Judaism /
- Hindy Najman
- 14 Arabic Bible Versions in the High Middle Ages and Their Relevance to Biblical Studies /
- Meira Polliack
- 15 Contestations et conflits d'idéologies dans le Psautier /
- Sophie Ramond
- 16 Solomon from Archival Sources to Collective Memory /
- William M. Schniedewind
- 17 Der historische Ort der Sozialgesetze des Deuteronomiums /
- Hans Ulrich Steymans
- 18 The Significance of Ethiopic Witnesses for the Text Tradition of 1 Enoch: Problems and Prospects /
- Loren T. Stuckenbruck and Ted M. Erho
- 19 Biblical Symmetry and Its Modern Detractors /
- Andrew Teeter
- 20 Creation Out of Conflict? The Chaoskampf Motif in the Old Testament: Cosmic Dualism or creatio ex nihilo /
- David Toshio Tsumura
- Index.