Brill's companion to Greek and Latin epyllion and its reception /
In classical scholarship of the past two centuries, the term "epyllion" was used to label short hexametric texts mainly ascribable to the Hellenistic period (Greek) or the Neoterics (Latin). Apart from their brevity, characteristics such as a predilection for episodic narration or female c...
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,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Brill's Companions to Classical Studies.
Brill's Companions in Classical Studies Online II, ISBN: 9789004284869.
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Call Number: PA3061 .B75 2012
- Preliminary Material
- Before the Epyllion: Concepts and Texts /
- Virgilio Masciadri
- On the Origins of the Modern Term "Epyllion": Some Revisions to a Chapter in the History of Classical Scholarship /
- Stefan Tilg
- Catullus 64: The Perfect Epyllion? /
- Gail Trimble
- The Songs of Demodocus: Compression and Extension in Greek Narrative Poetry /
- Richard Hunter
- Demodokos' Song of Ares and Aphrodite in Homer's Odyssey (8.266-366): An Epyllion? Agonistic Performativity and Cultural Metapoetics /
- Anton Bierl
- Borderline Experiences with Genre: The Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite between Epic, Hymn and Epyllic Poetry /
- Manuel Baumbach
- Rhapsodic Hymns and Epyllia /
- Ivana Petrovic
- A Proto-Epyllion? The Pseudo-Hesiodic Shield and The Poetics of Deferral /
- Peter Bing
- Pindaric Narrative Technique in the Hellenistic Epyllion /
- Christine Luz
- The Hecale and Hellenistic Conceptions of Short Hexameter Narratives /
- Kathryn Gutzwiller
- Miniaturizing the Huge: Hercules on a Small Scale (Theocritus Idylls 13 and 24) /
- Benjamin Acosta-Hughes
- Herakles in Bits and Pieces: Id. 25 in the Corpus Theocriteum /
- Thomas A. Schmitz
- Achilles at Scyros, and One of His Fans: The Epithalamium of Achilles and Deidameia (Buc. Gr. 157-158 Gow) /
- Marco Fantuzzi
- "εἰς ἔπη καὶ ἐλεγείας ἀνάγειν": The Erotika Pathemata of Parthenius of Nicaea /
- Jacqueline J.H. Klooster
- A Virgo Infelix: Calvus' Io vis-a-vis Other Cow-And-Bull Stories /
- Regina Höschele
- The Tenth Book of Ovid's Metamorphoses as Orpheus' Epyllion /
- Ulrich Eigler
- The Fast and the Furious: Triphiodorus' Reception of Homer in the Capture of Troy /
- Vincent Tomasso
- Musaeus, Hero and Leander: Between Epic and Novel /
- Nicola Nina Dümmler
- "Museum of Words": Christodorus, the Art of Ekphrasis and the Epyllic Genre /
- Silvio Bär
- The Motif of the Rape of Europa: Intertextuality and Absurdity of the Myth in Epyllion and Epic Insets /
- Peter Kuhlmann
- "Epyllion" or "Short Epic" in the Latin Literature of the Middle Ages? /
- Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann and Peter Stotz
- Short Mythological Epic in Neo-Latin Literature /
- Martin Korenjak
- Robert Burns' Tam O' Shanter: A Lallans Epyllion? /
- Ewen L. Bowie
- Bibliography
- General Index
- Index Locorum
- Index of Selected Greek Words.