Crises and the Roman Empire : proceedings of the Seventh Workshop of the international network Impact of Empire, Nijmegen, June 20-24, 2006 /
This volume presents the proceedings of the seventh workshop of the international thematic network 'Impact of Empire', which concentrates on the history of the Roman Empire and brings together ancient historians, archaeologists, classicists and specialists on Roman law from some 30 Europea...
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Impact of Empire
Impact of Empire Online, ISBN: 9789004411142.
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Call Number: DG298 .I57 2006
- Preliminary material /
- O. Hekster , G. De Kleijn and D. Slootjes
- Introduction /
- Olivier Hekster , Gerda De Kleijn and Daniëlle Slootjes
- Was there a crisis of the third century? /
- Wolf Liebeschuetz
- Krise oder Nichtkrise - Das ist hier die Frage. Köln und sein Territorium in der 2. hälfte des 3. Jahrhunderts /
- Werner Eck
- Britain during the third century crisis /
- Anthony R. Birley
- La crise de 238 en Afrique et ses impacts sur l'Empire Romain /
- Arbia Hilali
- The Principate - Lifebelt, or millstone around the neck of the empire? /
- John Drinkwater
- Exemplary government in the early Roman Empire /
- Michael Peachin
- À propos de l'édit de Gallien /
- Pierre Cosme
- The Caesonii in the third century A.D.: The impact of crises on senatorial status and power /
- Inge Mennen
- The reappearance of the supra-provincial commands in the late second and early third centuries C.E.: Constitutional and historical considerations /
- Frederik J. Vervaet
- La crisi del terzo secolo e l'evoluzione delle artiglierie romane /
- Salvatore Martino
- Tiberius Gracchus, land and manpower /
- John W. Rich
- Some thoughts on the nature of the demographic 'crisis' of the second century B.C /
- Luuk De Ligt
- Gibbon was right: The decline and fall of the roman economy /
- Willem Jongman
- The Antonine plague and the 'third-century crisis' /
- Christer Bruun
- The late republican west: Imperial taxation in the making? /
- Tony Naco Del Hoyo
- The impact of the third century crisis on the international trade with the east /
- Dario Nappo
- Demise and fall of the Augustan monetary system /
- Koenraad Verboven
- L'identité du prince face à la crise: Construction d'un discours et usage de La Memoria /
- Stéphane Benoist
- Mapping the representation of roman imperial power in times of crisis /
- Erika Manders
- The emperor's family on coins (third century): Ideology of stability in times of unrest /
- Mariette Horster
- The employment of epithets in the struggle for power. A case study /
- Janneke De Jong
- Crises and ritual of ascension to the throne (? rst-third century A.D.) /
- Patrizia Arena
- L'affrontement ideologique entre Gallien et Postume: L'exemple des bustes casques et des bustes à attributes herculeens /
- Claire Grandvallet
- A crisis of jurisprudence? The end of legal writing in the classical tradition /
- Bernard Stolte
- Codex Justinianus 6.21.1: Florus's case /
- Willem Zwalve
- Elementi giuridici ed economici nella historia lausiaca /
- Antonio Polichetti
- Philosophen Zwischen Kaiserzeit und Spätantike. Das 3. Jahrhundert N.Chr /
- Johannes Hahn
- Zu einigen Strukturveränderungen der Literaturrezeption im Zeitalter der Krise des Imperium Romanum (3.-6. Jahrhundert) und Deren Ursachen /
- Armin Eich
- Mapping the crisis of the third century /
- John Nicols
- Index /
- O. Hekster , G. De Kleijn and D. Slootjes.