Technopaignia, Formspiele in der griechischen Dichtung
Technopaignia is the first comprehensive collection and scholarly analysis of a corpus of literary phenomena whose particularity consists in the artistic play with formal features (acrostics, anagrams, palindromes et cetera). The study both discusses each phenomenon separately as a part of the histo...
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Format: eBook
Language: German
Leiden ; Boston :
Mnemosyne, Supplements
Mnemosyne Supplements Online, Volumes 204-407, ISBN: 9789004322288.
Online Access: Login to view Source
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Call Number: PA3118.T43 L89 2010
- Vorläufige Material /
- C. Luz
- Akrostichon /
- C. Luz
- Buchstaben- und Alphabetspiele /
- C. Luz
- Exkurz Zum Griphos /
- C. Luz
- Anagramm /
- C. Luz
- Palindrom /
- C. Luz
- Exkurz: Technopaignia in der antiken Magie /
- C. Luz
- Lipogramm /
- C. Luz
- Isopsephie /
- C. Luz
- Figurengedichte /
- C. Luz
- Ein Kapitel Literaturgeschichte /
- C. Luz
- Anhang I: Liste der griechischen Akrosticha /
- C. Luz
- Anhang II: Plinthides /
- C. Luz
- Anhang III: Buchstabenverse in der Ilias /
- C. Luz
- Anhang IV: Liste der griechischen Palindrome /
- C. Luz
- Glossar /
- C. Luz
- Literaturverzeichnis /
- C. Luz
- Index Locorum /
- C. Luz
- Index Nominum et Rerum /
- C. Luz.