Theios Sophistes : essays on Flavius Philostratus' Vita Apollonii /
Flavius Philostratus' Life of Apollonius of Tyana (Vita Apollonii), written in the first half of the third century CE, is a key text in the cultural, literary and religious history of the Second Sophistic and of Late Antiquity. Its generic and formal diversity, its shifting cultural and histori...
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,Format: eBook
Boston :
Mnemosyne, Supplements
Mnemosyne Supplements Online, Volumes 204-407, ISBN: 9789004322288.
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Call Number: PA4272.Z5 T47 2009
- Preliminary Material /
- Kristoff El Demoen and Danny Praet
- Les Choix Narratifs De Philostrate Dans La Vie D'Apollonios De Tyane /
- Alain Billault
- Towards A New Critical Edition Of Philostratus Life Of Apollonius: The Affiliation Of The Manuscripts /
- Gerard Boter
- Quotation Of Earlier Texts In Τα Εσ Τον Τυανεα Απολλωνιον /
- Ewen Bowie
- How To Become A Poet? Homer And Apollonius Visit The Mound Of Achilles /
- Peter Grossardt
- Author And Narrator : Fiction And Metafiction In Philostratus Vita Apollonii /
- Wannes Kristoffel GyselinckDemoen
- Reforming The Eyes: Interpreters And Interpretation In The Vita Apollonii /
- Graeme Miles
- Irony Versus Eulogy The Vita Apollonii As Metabiographical Fiction /
- Thomas Schirrenc
- Never The Twain Shall Meet? Plutarch And Philostratus Life Of Apollonius: Some Themes And Techniques /
- Luc Van Der Stockt
- Folklore Versus Fakelore: Some Problems In The Life Of Apollonius /
- Graham Anderson
- Apollonius Ascension /
- Jaap-Jan Flinterman
- Some Letters Of Apollonius Of Tyana /
- Christopher Jones
- The Emesan Connection: Philostratus And Heliodorus /
- J.R. Morgan
- Pythagoreanism And The Planetary Deities:The Philosophical And Literary Master-Structure Of The Vita Apollonii /
- Danny Praet
- The Philostratean Apollonius As A Teacher /
- Erkki Koskenniemi
- La Vie D'Apollonius De Tyane Et Le Discours Hagiographique /
- Marc Van Uytfanghe
- Bibliography /
- Kristoff El Demoen and Danny Praet
- General Index /
- Kristoff El Demoen and Danny Praet
- Index Locorum /
- Kristoff El Demoen and Danny Praet.