Received Opinions: Doxography in Antiquity and the Islamic World /
This volume-the proceedings of a 2018 conference at LMU Munich funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation-brings together, for the first time, experts on Greek, Syriac, and Arabic traditions of doxography. Fourteen contributions provide new insight into state-of-the-art contemporary research on the wide...
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,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden; Boston :
Philosophia Antiqua ;
Philosophia Antiqua Online, Supplement 2022.
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Call Number: B168
- Preliminary Material /
- Andreas Lammer and Mareike Jas
- Copyright Page /
- Andreas Lammer and Mareike Jas
- Preface /
- Andreas Lammer and Mareike Jas
- Notes on Contributors /
- Andreas Lammer and Mareike Jas
- Introduction Doxography: Ends and Means /
- Andreas Lammer and Mareike Jas
- Chapter 1 Making Sense of Other Philosophers: Exegesis and Interpretation in Aristotle /
- Christian Pfeiffer
- Chapter 2 Helping the Reader: The Paratextual Elements in the Placita in the Context of their Genre /
- Jaap Mansfeld
- Chapter 3 Irreducible Texts: The Implications for an Edition of the Aëtian Placita /
- David T. Runia
- Chapter 4 Heraclitus on Principles: A Stoic Lemma in Aëtius? /
- Max Bergamo
- Chapter 5 Presocratics and Presocratic Philosophy in Galen /
- Teun Tieleman
- Chapter 6 "Reputable Opinions" ( endoxa ) in Aristotle, Theophrastus, and Simplicius: Doxography or Endoxography ? /
- Han Baltussen
- Chapter 7 Interpreting Parmenides of Elea in Antiquity: From Plato's Parmenides to Simplicius' Commentary on Aristotle's Physics /
- Christoph Helmig
- Chapter 8 Greek Philosophers in Monastic Schools: Syriac Forms of Doxography /
- Yury Arzhanov
- Chapter 9 Doxography as Textbook: An Arabic Excerpt of Ps.-Plutarch's Placita philosophorum /
- Ute Pietruschka
- Chapter 10 Not Everything That Looks Like a Doxography is One: The Philosophical Compilation in the Tehran MS Ketābḫāne-ye Markazī-ye Dānešgāh 2103 /
- Elvira Wakelnig
- Chapter 11 Reporting the Dualists: al-Ṯanawiyya as a Doxological Category in Classical Kalām /
- David Bennett
- Chapter 12 Doxography and Philosophical Method: Avicenna's Treatment of Presocratic Opinions /
- Andreas Lammer
- Chapter 13 Ibn Ṭufayl's Use and Misuse of His Predecessors /
- Bethany Somma
- Chapter 14 A Case Study in Arabic Doxography: Šahrastānī's Account of Pythagoras and Its Ismāʿīlī Background /
- Fedor Benevich
- Indexes /
- Andreas Lammer and Mareike Jas.