Magical practice in the Latin West : papers from the international conference held at the University of Zaragoza, 30 Sept.-1 Oct. 2005 /
How different was the practice of magic in the Latin West from that of the eastern Mediterranean basin? Was it just derivative from Greek practice, or did it have its own originality? The recent discovery of important new curse-tablets in Mainz and in the Fountain of Anna Perenna at Rome has made th...
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,Format: Conference Proceeding eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Religions in the Graeco-Roman World
Religions in the Graeco-Roman World Online, ISBN: 9789004299672.
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Call Number: BF1591 .M3444 2010eb
- Preliminary Material /
- Marco Simón and R.L Gordon
- Introduction /
- Richard Gordon and Francisco Marco Simón
- Chapter One. Magus And Its Cognates In Classical Latin /
- James B. Rives
- Chapter Two. Magic In The Roman Historians /
- Matthew W. Dickie
- Chapter Three. Heretical Texts And Maleficium In The Codex Theodosianus (Cth. 16.5.34) /
- María Victoria Escribano Paño
- Chapter Four. The Defixiones From The Sanctuary Of Isis And Mater Magna In Mainz /
- Jürgen Blänsdorf
- Chapter Five. Religion And Magic At Rome: The Fountain Of Anna Perenna /
- Marina Piranomonte
- Chapter Six. The Texts From The Fons Annae Perennae /
- Jürgen Blänsdorf
- Chapter Seven. Cursing A Thief In Iberia And Britain /
- Roger Tomlin
- Chapter Eight. Prayers For Justice, East And West: New Finds And Publications Since 1990 /
- Henk S. Versnel
- Chapter Nine. How Does Magical Language Work? The Spells And Formulae Of The Latin Defixionum Tabellae /
- Amina Kropp
- Chapter Ten. Inversion, Adversion And Perversion As Strategies In Latin Curse-Tablets /
- Christopher A. Faraone and Amina Kropp
- Chapter Eleven. Execrating The Roman Power: Three Defixiones From Emporiae (Ampurias) /
- Francisco Marco Simón
- Chapter Twelve. Nails For The Dead: A Polysemic Account Of An Ancient Funerary Practice /
- Silvia Alfayé Villa
- Chapter Thirteen. Magic At Sea: Amulets For Navigation /
- Sabino Perea Yébenes
- Chapter Fourteen. A Prayer For Blessings On Three Ritual Objects Discovered At Chartres-Autricum (France/Eure-Et Loir) /
- Richard Gordon , Dominique Joly and William Van Andringa
- Chapter Fifteen. Mithraism And Magic /
- Jaime Alvar Ezquerra
- Chapter Sixteen. A Visigothic Charm From Asturias And The Classical Tradition Of Phylacteries Against Hail /
- Francisco Javier Fernández Nieto
- Chapter Seventeen. Between Orthodox Belief And 'Superstition' In Visigothic Hispania /
- Isabel Velázquez Soriano
- Chapter Eighteen. Celtic Loricae And Ancient Magical Charms /
- Pierre-Yves Lambert
- General Index /
- Marco Simón and R.L Gordon
- Select Index Of Texts And Documents Cited /
- Marco Simón and R.L Gordon
- Index Of Latin Words /
- Marco Simón and R.L Gordon
- Select Index Of Greek Words /
- Marco Simón and R.L Gordon.