Protagoras of Abdera : the man, his measure.
Protagoras of Abdera, Socrates' older contemporary, is regarded as one of the most prominent representatives of the so-called sophistic movement. Instead of simply accepting the biased reports given by Plato and Aristotle about this sophist, the contributors to this volume review the complicate...
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,Format: eBook
Language: English
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Philosophia Antiqua
Philosophia Antiqua Online, ISBN: 9789004319752.
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Call Number: B305.P84 P76 2013
- Front Matter /
- Johannes M. van Ophuijsen , Marlein van Raalte and Peter Stork
- Introduction: Protagoras of Abdera: amicus homo magis amica veritas? /
- Johannes van Ophuijsen
- A Protagonist of the Sophistic Movement? Protagoras in Historiography /
- Noburu Notomi
- Made to Measure: Protagoras' metron /
- Tazuko A. van Berkel
- Τὸν ἥττω λόγον κρείττω ποιεῖν: Aristotle, Plato, and the ἐπάγγελμα of Protagoras /
- Michele Corradi
- The Most Correct Account: Protagoras on Language /
- Adriaan Rademaker
- L'efficacité en politique selon le Protagoras de Platon /
- Paul Demont
- Fangs, Feathers, and Fairness: Protagoras on the Origins of Right and Wrong /
- Adam Beresford
- Protagoras' Myth in Plato's Protagoras: Fiction or Testimony? /
- Bernd Manuwald
- Euboulia as the Skill Protagoras Taught /
- Paul Woodruff
- Privatising Perception: Plato's Protagoreanism (Theaetetus 154 B-157 C) /
- Arnaud Macé
- Perceptual Relativism and Change in the Secret Doctrine in Plato's Theaetetus 152-160 /
- Job van Eck
- Protagoras Through Plato and Aristotle: A Case for the Philosophical Significance of Ancient Relativism /
- Ugo Zilioli
- Bibliography /
- Johannes M. van Ophuijsen , Marlein van Raalte and Peter Stork
- Indexes /
- Johannes M. van Ophuijsen , Marlein van Raalte and Peter Stork.