Text and tradition : studies in ancient medicine and its transmission : presented to Jutta Kollesch /
The thirteen original studies collected in this volume range from detailed paleographical examinations of individual papyri, manuscripts and printed books to scholarly interpretations of particular medical texts in their cultural, intellectual and historical contexts. Subjects handled include an ear...
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, ,Format: eBook
Leiden ; Boston :
Studies in Ancient Medicine
Studies in Ancient Medicine Online, ISBN: 9789004380813.
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Call Number: R138 .T39 1998
- Preliminary Material /
- Klaus-Dietrich Fischer , Diethard Nickel and Paul Potter
- Beiträge zu den pseudosoranischen Quaestiones medicinales /
- Klaus-Dietrich Fischer
- The New Galen: a challenge to Latin Galenism in thirteenth-century Montpellier /
- Luis García-Ballester
- Ancora sulla tradizione manoscritta dei Problemi di Cassio latrosofista /
- Antonio Garzya
- Die Tabulae Vindobonenses als Zeugnis alexandrinischer Lehrtätigkeit um 600 n. Chr. /
- Beate Gundert
- In the shadow of Galen: two Berlin papyri of medical content (BKT IX 80 and 81) /
- Ann Ellis Hanson
- L'interprétation des rêves et la théorie micro-macrocosmique dans le traité hippocratique Du Régime: sémiotique et mimesis /
- Jacques Jouanna
- August Bier und der Dritte Humanismus /
- Hans-Uwe Lammel
- Zur Textgeschichte und Verfasserschaft der hippokratischen Schrift De natura pueri /
- Carl Werner Müller
- Studien am Kodex Laurentianus Gr. 74,3 /
- Diethard Nickel
- To kill or not to kill? Caelius Aurelianus on contagion /
- Vivian Nutton
- The editiones principes of Galen and Hippocrates and their relationship /
- Paul Potter
- Bekannte und unbekannte Zitate in den Zweifeln an Galen des Rhazes /
- Gotthard Strohmaier
- Empedocle "Medico e Sofista" (Antica Medicina 20) /
- Mario Vegetti
- Verzeichnis der Veröffentlichungen von Jutta Kollesch und Georg Harig /
- Diethard Nickel and Hans-Uwe Lammel
- Index of papyri and manuscripts /
- Diethard Nickel and Hans-Uwe Lammel
- General index /
- Diethard Nickel and Hans-Uwe Lammel
- Studies in Ancient Medicine /
- Diethard Nickel and Hans-Uwe Lammel.