Brill's companion to Seneca, philosopher and dramatist /
This new and important introduction to Seneca provides a systematic and concise presentation of this author's philosophical works and his tragedies. It provides handbook style surveys of each genuine or attributed work, giving dates and brief descriptions, and taking into account the most impor...
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,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Brill's Companions to Classical Studies.
Brill's Companions in Classical Studies Online II, ISBN: 9789004284869.
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Call Number: PA6675 .B75 2014
- Front Matter /
- Gregor Damschen and Andreas Heil
- Imago suae vitae: Seneca's Life and Career /
- Thomas Habinek
- The Works of Seneca the Younger and Their Dates /
- C.W. Marshall
- Transmission /
- Rolando Ferri
- Seneca the Philosopher /
- Matthias Laarmann
- Seneca the Dramatist /
- Werner Schubert
- Context: Seneca's Philosophical Predecessors and Contemporaries /
- John Sellars
- De providentia /
- R. Scott Smith
- De constantia sapientis /
- R. Scott Smith
- De ira /
- Maria Monteleone
- Consolatio ad Marciam /
- Jochen Sauer
- De vita beata /
- Fritz-Heiner Mutschler
- De otio /
- R. Scott Smith
- De tranquillitate animi /
- Fritz-Heiner Mutschler
- De brevitate vitae /
- R. Scott Smith
- Consolatio ad Polybium /
- Jochen Sauer
- Consolatio ad Helviam /
- Jochen Sauer
- De clementia /
- Ermanno Malaspina
- Naturales quaestiones /
- Gareth D. Williams
- Epistulae morales /
- Aldo Setaioli
- De beneficiis /
- Mario Lentano
- Lost and Fragmentary Works /
- Anna Maria Ferrero
- Epistulae Senecae ad Paulum et Pauli ad Senecam /
- Alfons Fürst
- Ontology and Epistemology /
- Mireille Armisen-Marchetti
- Ethics I: Philosophy as Therapy, Self-Transformation, and "Lebensform" /
- Aldo Setaioli
- Ethics II: Action and Emotion /
- Margaret R. Graver
- Ethics III: Free Will and Autonomy /
- Aldo Setaioli
- Ethics IV: Wisdom and Virtue /
- Jula Wildberger
- Ethics V: Death and Time /
- Catharine Edwards
- Physics I: Body and Soul /
- R. Scott Smith
- Physics II: Cosmology and Natural Philosophy /
- Bardo Maria Gauly
- Physics III: Theology /
- Aldo Setaioli
- Context /
- Wolf-Lüder Liebermann
- Hercules furens /
- Margarethe Billerbeck
- Troas /
- Wilfried Stroh
- Phoenissae /
- Marica Frank
- Medea /
- Wolf-Lüder Liebermann
- Phaedra /
- Roland Mayer
- Oedipus /
- Karlheinz Töchterle
- Agamemnon /
- Christoph Kugelmeier
- Thyestes /
- Chiara Torre
- Hercules Oetaeus /
- C.A.J. Littlewood
- Octavia /
- Rolando Ferri
- Space and Time in Senecan Drama /
- Ernst A. Schmidt
- Vision, Sound, and Silence in the "Drama of the Word" /
- Andreas Heil
- The Chorus: Seneca as Lyric Poet /
- Giancarlo Mazzoli
- The Rhetoric of Rationality and Irrationality /
- Gottfried Mader
- Characters /
- G.W.M. Harrison
- Themes /
- G.W.M. Harrison
- Greek and Roman Elements in Senecan Tragedy /
- Sander M. Goldberg
- Philosophical Tragedy? /
- François-Régis Chaumartin
- Apocolocyntosis /
- Renata Roncali
- Epigrams /
- Joachim Dingel
- De vita patris /
- Michael Winterbottom
- Seneca's Language and Style /
- Michael von Albrecht
- Systematic Connections between Seneca's Philosophical Works and Tragedies /
- Susanna E. Fischer
- List of Journal Abbreviations /
- Gregor Damschen and Andreas Heil
- Bibliography /
- Andrea Balbo and Ermanno Malaspina
- Editions of Seneca's Works (Since Haase's Opera Omnia) /
- Gregor Damschen and Andreas Heil
- Contributors /
- Gregor Damschen and Andreas Heil
- General Index /
- Gregor Damschen and Andreas Heil.