Egypt at its origins 2 : proceedings of the international conference "Origin of the State, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Toulouse (France), 5th-8th September 2005 /
"The proceedings of the Second International Conference about Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt (Toulouse, France, 2005) present the results of the latest research on the rise of the Pharaonic culture in Ancient Egypt. It contains 65 contributions by 80 authors from different countries. The...
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Call Number: DS1 .O7 v.172
- Préface /
- Martin Malvy
- Allocution d'accueil /
- Jean Leclant
- Introduction /
- Béatrix Midant-Reynes & Yann Tristant
- Craft and craft specialisation.
- Craft and craft specialisation. Introduction /
- E. Christiana Köhler
- Pottery-making tools: worked sherds from HK11C Square B4, Hierakonpolis /
- Masahiro Baba
- Lithic industries from Adaima. Between farmers and craftmen /
- François Briois & Béatrix Midant-Reynes
- The brewery complex from Tell el-Farkha. Archaeological aspects of the discovery /
- Krzysztof Cichowski
- A preliminary report on the pottery from the protodynastic to Early Dynastic cemetery at Kafr Hassan Dawood, Wadi Tumilat, East Delta, Egypt /
- Fekri A. Hassan, Geoffrey J. Tassie, Ashraf el-Senussi, Joris van Wetering, D. Sharp & Bram Calcoen
- Rough ware as an element of symbolism and craft specialisation at Hierakonpolis' elite cemetery HK6 /
- Stan Hendrickx
- Artefacts made of vegetal fibres from Adaima, Upper Egypt /
- Christiane Hochstrasser-Petit
- Pre- and Early Dynastic textiles: technology, specialisation and administration during the process of state formation /
- Jana Jones
- The corpus of "potmarks" from the graves at Tell el-Farkha /
- Mariusz A. Jucha
- New results from a second storage tomb at Helwan. Implications for the Naqada III period in the memphite region /
- Jane C. Smythe
- Firing installations and specialization: a view from recent excavations at Hierakonpolis Locality 11C /
- Izumi H. Takamiya
- Corpus of potmarks from the Protodynastic to Early Dynastic cemetery at Kafr Hassan Dawood, Wadi Tumilat, East Delta, Egypt /
- Geoffrey J. Tassie
- /
- Edwin C.M.
- Physical anthropology.
- Physical anthropology. Introduction /
- Jerome C. Rose & Éric Crubézy.
- Paleodemography in Predynastic Upper Egypt: investigations of the working-class cemetery at Hierakonpolis /
- Ernest K. Batey
- Study of GM immunoglobulin allotypes in Egyptian Berbers (Siwa Oasis) /
- Clotilde Coudray, Evelyne Guitard, Fahra el-Chennawi & Jean-Michel Dugoujon
- First human occupations of the Nile valley: anthropological and cultural data /
- Isabelle Crevecoeur
- The Predynastic cemetery at Adaima (Upper Egypt). General presentation and implications for the populations of Predynastic Egypt /
- Éric Crubézy, Sylvie Duchesne & Béatrix Midant-Reynes
- Sacred or mundane: scalping and decapitation at Predynastic Hierakonpolis /
- Sean P. Dougherty & Renée F. Friedman
- Reassessing age at death through tooth wear using the population at HK43 /
- Aimee Huard
- Work levels of a Predynastic egyptian population from Hierakonpolis /
- Melissa Zabecki
- Assessing the potential for dietary reconstruction from skeletal and isotopic data /
- Sonia R. Zakrzewski
- Geoarchaeology and environmental sciences.
- Geoarchaeology and environmental sciences. Introduction /
- Morgan De Dapper
- Contribution of palynology and phytolithology to the study of Adaima's graves /
- Aline Emery-Barbier
- Analysis of mummies' gut contents from Predynastic Hierakonpolis, Egypt (3750-3300 BC) /
- Ahmed Gamal-El-Din Fahmy.
- Predynastic beer brewing as suggested by botanical and physicochemical evidence from Tell el-Farkha, Eastern Delta /
- Lucy Kubiak-Martens & Jerzy J. Langer
- Harvesting techniques in the Late Neolithic and Predynastic Egypt
- contributions from experimental archaeology and ethnography /
- Giulio Lucarini
- Human occupation of the Nile Delta during Pre- and Early Dynastic times. A view from Kom el-Khilgan /
- Yann Tristant, Morgan de Dapper & Béatrix Midant-Reynes.
- Interactions between Upper and Lower Egypt.
- Interactions between Upper and Lower Egypt. Introduction /
- Ulrich Hartung
- Trade and exchange in the Predynastic and Early Dynastic period in the Eastern Nile Delta /
- Marek Chłodnicki
- The nature of the relation between Lower and Upper Egypt in the Protodynastic period. A view from Tell el-Farkha /
- Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz /
- The interaction between and the roles of Upper and Lower Egypt in the formation of the Egyptian state. Another review /
- E. Christiana Köhler
- Ethnicity and migration? The cemetery of el-Gerzeh /
- Alice Stevenson
- Interactions between the desert and the Nile valley.
- Interactions between the desert and the Nile valley. Introduction /
- Heiko Riemer
- The Nile Valley seen from the oases. The contribution of Farafra /
- Barbara E. Barich & Giulio Lucarini
- El Kharafish. A Sheikh Muftah desert camp site between the Oasis and the Nile /
- Heiko Riemer, Nadja Pöllath, Stefanie Nussbaum, Ines Teubner & Hubert Berke
- Contacts between the Oasis and the Nile: a résumé of the Abu Muhariq Plateau survey 1995-2002 /
- Heiko Riemer & Karin Kindermann
- Foreign relations.
- Foreign relations. Introduction /
- Edwin C.M Van Den Brink & Eliot Braun
- Appraising South Levantine-Egyptian interaction: recent discoveries from Israel and Egypt /
- Eliot Braun & Edwin C.M Van Den Brink
- Ethnicity and changing relationships between Egyptians and South Levantines during the Early Dynastic period /
- Marcelo Campagno
- The origins of the "Naqadan Expansion" and the interregional exchange mechanisms between Lower Nubia, Upper and Lower Egypt, the South Levant and North Syria during the first half of the 4th millennium B.C. /
- Frédéric Guyot
- Horticulture, status and long-range trade in Chalcolithic Southern Levant: early connections with Egypt /
- Jaimie L. Lovell.
- Some remarks on Egyptian-Southern Levantine interrelations in the first half of 4th Millennium BC /
- Agnieszka Mączyńska
- Niched architecture in Early Mesopotamia and Early Egypt /
- Uwe Sievertsen
- Symbols in action
- the Megiddo graffiti reassessed /
- Yuval Yekutieli
- Birth of writing and kingship.
- Birth of writing and kingship. Introduction.
- John Baines
- Signes et mots des nombres en égyptien ancien. Quelques éléments d'analyse et de réflexion /
- Alain Anselin
- The thinite "royal lists": typology and meaning /
- Josep Cervelló-Autuori
- The revetted mound at Hierakonpolis and early kingship: a re-interpretation /
- Liam McNamara
- Fest-Schreibungen von Gender im Herausbildungsprozeß der Hieroglyphenschrift /
- Ludwig Morenz
- Tomb and mat. Paleographical and archeological approach of a burial practice through the case of the word js /
- Isabelle Régen
- The origin of writing in relation to the emergence of the Egyptian state /
- Ilona Regulski
- Kings as gods in the Early Egyptian writing system /
- Racheli Shalomi-Hen
- Limits of decipherment: object biographies and the invention of writing /
- David Wengrow
- Cult, ideology and social complexity.
- Cult, ideology and social complexity. Introduction /
- Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz /
- Parameters of statehood in Predynastic Egypt /
- Branislav Andelković
- Tegumentary paint and cosmetic palettes in Predynastic Egypt. Impact of those artefacts on the birth of the monarchy /
- Nathalie Baduel
- The evolution of royal ideology: new discoveries from the reign of Aha /
- Laurel Bestock
- Burial custom and political status of local societies. A vies from Tell el-Farkha /
- Joanna Dębowska
- The origin of the state and the unification: two different concepts in the same context /
- Alejandro Jiménez Serrano.
- The Egyptian desert and the origin of pharaonic conception /
- Antonio Pérez Largacha
- Excavations and museums.
- The Protodynastic and Early Dynastic necropolis of Tell el-Daba'a (El-Qanan) and Tell El-Samara (El-Dakahlia province, Northeast Delta) /
- Salem G. El-Baghdadi
- Excavating Egypt's early kings: recent discoveries in the elite cemetery at Hierakonpolis /
- Renée F. Friedman
- Recent investigations at Tell el-Faraʻin/Buto /
- Ulrich Hartung
- Architectonic constructions from the Western Kom at Tell el-Farkha (Nile Delta). Some remarks /
- Piotr Kołodziejczyk
- La collection préhistorique égyptienne du musée d'Archéologie nationale, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France /
- Christine Lorre.