State and Peasant in the Ottoman Empire : Agrarian Power Relations and Regional Economic Development in Ottoman Anatolia during the Sixteenth Century /
State and Peasant in the Ottoman Empire studies the dynamics of Ottoman peasant economy in the sixteenth century. First, it shows that contrary to the conventional wisdom about the 'stationariness'of the Asian agrarian economies, Ottoman peasant economy witnessed substantial growth in resp...
Main Author:
Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Middle East and Islamic Studies - Book Archive pre-2000.
The Ottoman Empire and its Heritage ;
Online Access: Login to view Source
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Call Number: HD1537.T9
- Preliminary Material /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- Acknowledgements /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- List of Tables /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- List of Maps /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- Introduction /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- Chapter One The Political Logic of the Ottoman Peasantry: A Conceptualization of State-Peasant Relations /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- Chapter Two Ottoman Fiscal Surveys as a Source for Social and Economic History /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- Chapter Three Appropriation and Exchange of Agrarian Surpluses in North-Central Anatolia, 1520-1575 /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- Chapter Four Dynamics of Peasant Economy in North-Central Anatolia: Patterns of Population, Production and Trade /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- Chapter Five Development of Regional Town Markets: An Aspect of Relations of the Exchange and Appropriation of Agrarian Surpluses /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- Conclusion /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- Maps /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- Glossary /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- List of Abbreviations /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- Selected Bibliography /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- Personal and Geographical Name Index /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan
- Subject Index /
- Huri İslamoğlu-İnan.