From Josephus to Yosippon and Beyond : Text - Re-interpretations - Afterlives /
Two millennia ago, the Jewish priest-turned-general Flavius Josephus, captured by the emperor Vespasian in the middle of the Roman-Jewish War (66-70 CE), spent the last several decades of his life in Rome writing several historiographical works in Greek. Josephus was eagerly read and used by Christi...
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Leiden ; Boston :
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2024.
Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism ;
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Call Number: BS709.4
- Acknowledgements
- List of Figures
- Abbreviations
- Notes on Contributors
- 1 Introduction: Josephus, Yosippon, and Beyond
- The Past, Present, and Future of a Josephan Legacy in Modern Scholarship
- Carson Bay, Michael Avioz and Jan Willem van Henten
- Part 1: Flavius Josephus: Context, Greek Text, and Literary Features
- 2 Interpreting Josephus Contextually: Composition, Audiences, Messages, and Meaning
- Steve Mason
- 3 Josephus and the Bible
- Erich S. Gruen
- 4 Ancient Jewish Court-Tales, Scriptural Adaptation, and Greco-Roman Discourses of Exemplarity
- Joseph, Esther, and Agrippa I in Josephus' Antiquitates Judaicae
- David R. Edwards
- 5 Narratology and Register Variation in Josephus' Cultic Laws and Constitution
- Silvia Castelli
- 6 Free Speech and Moses' Laws: The Limits of παρρησία in Josephus' Works
- Ursula Westwood
- Part 2: Sefer Yosippon and Latin Josephus: Manuscripts and Text Criticism
- 7 The Hebrew Manuscripts of Sefer Yosippon
- Saskia Dönitz
- 8 Beyond Flusser: The Text of Latin Antiquities 13 and Sefer Yosippon
- David B. Levenson
- Part 3: Sefer Yosippon: Traditions, Intertexts, and (Re-)Interpretations
- 9 The Beginning of the End: Yosippon's 'Aeneid' and Adso's Apocalypse
- Ruth Nisse
- 10 The Maccabean Mother and Her Seven Sons in Sefer Yosippon 15
- Interconnections with Previous Versions of the Martyrdom and Important Motifs
- Jan Willem van Henten
- 11 Killing Matthias: De Excidio 5.22 and Sefer Yosippon 81 (פא)
- Carson Bay
- 12 Yosippon as an Innovative and Creative Genius
- Steven Bowman
- 13 Sefer Yosippon as a Source for Hasmonean History: The Mysterious Story of John Hyrcanus and the Parthians
- Kenneth Atkinson
- 14 Sefer Yosippon and Sefer Masaʿot: A Reconsideration
- Daniel Stein Kokin
- Part 4: Beyond Josephus and Yosippon: Reception, Afterlives, and Legacy
- 15 English Versions of Josephus in the Nineteenth Century: Omissions and Additions
- Martin Goodman
- 16 Josephus on the School Bench
- Meir Ben Shahar
- 17 'Josephus Proudly Presents': Figurations of Josephus Presenting His Work in High Medieval Latin Manuscripts (12th and 13th Centuries)
- Katharina Heyden
- 18 Between Josephus and Yosippon: Lamdan's Masada
- Yael S. Feldman
- 19 Schalit's Modern Hebrew Translation of Josephus' Antiquitates Judaicae: A Reassessment
- Michael Avioz
- 20 Zena Ayhud (The History of the Jews): The Text and Context of the Ethiopic Version of Sefer Yosippon
- Yonatan Binyam
- 21 The Christian Reception of Sefer Yosippon in Western Europe
- Nadia Zeldes
- 22 Un-writing the End: Histories and Counter-Histories in the Early Modern Yosippon
- Andrea Schatz
- Index of Sources
- Index of Subjects.