Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Lovaniensis : Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Leuven 2022) /
Every third year, the members of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS) assemble for a week-long conference. Over the years, this event has evolved into the largest single conference in the field of Neo-Latin studies. The papers presented at these conferences offer, then, a gene...
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Leiden ; Boston :
Acta Conventus Neo-Latini ;
Early Modern History and Modern History E-Books Online, Collection 2024.
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Call Number: PA8002
- Contents
- XVIIIth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies
- Programme
- Presidential Address
- Marc Laureys
- List of Illustrations
- Part 1: Plenary Papers
- 1 Lowland Latin Lovers, or the Suitors of the Belgian Muses (1477-2007)
- A Group Portrait with an All-Male Cast of Schoolmasters, Clergymen, Magistrates, and All That
- Marcus de Schepper
- 2 Le projet Burgundia Humanistica : l'exemple de Jean Girard d'Auxonne
- Sylvie Laigneau-Fontaine
- 3 Cultura neolatina nel Mezzogiorno d'Italia: cinquant'anni di studi
- Antonio Iurilli
- 4 In laudem praestantissimi triumphi a D. Alexandro Farnesio [...] de Traiectensibus apud Flandros habiti [...] Carmen de Juan Bautista de Aguilar
- Un poema épico inédito sobre el asedio de Maastricht (1579)
- José Carlos Miralles Maldonado
- 5 Zwischen Globalisierung und Mikrokultur. Zu einer Gattungspoetik des klassizistischen neulateinischen Lehrgedichts
- Claudia Schindler
- Part 2: Communications
- 6 Critical Notes on a Political Bestseller: Kaspar Schoppe's Animadversiones in Justi Lipsii Politica (1629)
- Gábor Almási
- 7 Defenestratio ex Deputatione iurisperiti Narcissi de Sancto Dionisio et acta pertinentia Latine scripta (1425-1428)
- Daniel Álvarez Gómez
- 8 Les Vies de Zwingli par Myconius : un humaniste vu par un humaniste
- David Amherdt
- 9 Sugli Epigrammata di Girolamo Borgia
- Alberto Maria Amoruso
- 10 The Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum: Past and Present
- Enikő Békés
- 11 Comment conclure un commentaire ? : clôture exégétique et clôture littéraire chez Caspar von Barth
- Valéry Berlincourt
- 12 Lorenzo de' Medici e la stampa a Firenze
- Concetta Bianca
- 13 Valentin Löbers deutsche Übersetzungen der Epigrammata von John Owen
- Veronika Brandis
- 14 Poetry, Inspirations, and Careers: Gregory of Sambor and His Ovidian Censtochova
- Elwira Buszewicz
- 15 Ambrogio Traversari e Cosimo de' Medici
- Matteo Ceccherini
- 16 L'Oratio in funere M. Antonii Mureti de Francesco Benci
- Lucie Claire
- 17 Note sui carmina latina di Angelo Di Costanzo
- Claudia Corfiati
- 18 "Proles cunctarum sum:" La tumulazione del Milite Ignoto nella coeva poesia neolatina
- Marco Cristini
- 19 The Biblical Lyric of Benito Arias Montano in Its European and Spanish Contexts
- Maria Czepiel
- 20 Echoes of the Vates Reverberating: a New Reading of Luigi Illuminati's Dux in the Context of the Eponymous Poetic Competition (1929-1930)
- Paola D'Andrea
- 21 The Exchange of Latin allusiones between Karel Utenhove and Bonaventura Vulcanius
- Eduardo del Pino
- 22 A Computer-Assisted Stylometric Exploration of Early Modern Latin Genres
- Šime Demo
- 23 La subdivision de la fabula par Boccace
- Stefan Feddern
- 24 Lorenz Rhodoman. Ein gräzistisches Projekt zum protestantischen Philhellenismus und seine Perspektiven
- Thomas Gärtner
- 25 The Royal Law of Denmark: Roman Law and Danish Absolutism
- Rasmus Gottschalck
- 26 Romeyn de Hooghe et le tacitisme : Stratégies littéraires et visuelles de la propagande de Guillaume III d'Orange-Nassau
- Esther Guillaume
- 27 A Case of Transnational Fascist Latinity? Hans Lis' Translation of Hitler's Maifeld Address (28 September 1937)
- Niklas Gutt
- 28 Neo-Latin Editorial Methodology: the Case of Bartolomeo Platina's Lives of the Popes, Paul II
- Thomas G. Hendrickson
- 29 "Tacitus fuit in Germania." Die Genese des Autopsie-Arguments in der Kommentarliteratur zur Germania des Tacitus
- Ronny Kaiser
- 30 Pious Resolutions: Humanist Poetry, Commonplace Collecting, and Student Interaction at the University of Wittenberg in 1586
- Farkas Gábor Kiss
- 31 Poliziano e l'elegia latina: il caso 'Tibullo'
- Giulia Leidi
- 32 Carmina cabalistica in neulateinischer Dichtung
- Walther Ludwig
- 33 The Boy Who Believed: Boys in Jesuit Plays as Role Models for College Students
- Maria Maciejewska
- 34 Hydram secas : Muret parémiographe
- Eric MacPhail
- 35 Arsenali latini barocchi (Ottavio Ferrari, Francisco Macedo, Immanuel de Azevedo)
- Guglielmo Monetti
- 36 L'ideale della res publica litterarum nell'insegnamento di Celio Secondo Curione
- Maria Stefania Montecalvo
- 37 The Substratum of Doctrine and Theology in Daniel Heinsius's Herodes Infanticida (1632)
- Daniel Nodes
- 38 Neo-Latin Neologism of Geographical Names
- Aiko Okamoto-MacPhail
- 39 Becoming a Neo-Latin Poet in Early Quattrocento: The Beginning of Maffeo Vegio's Poetic Career
- Iván Parga Ornelas
- 40 La poesía latina del humanista hispalense Gonzalo Ponce de León (ca. 1542-1593)
- Joaquín Pascual-Barea
- 41 Ovide Moralisé versus Ovidius Moralizatus : l'apport d'une source mythographique au Paysage avec Mercure et Argus de Lucas Gassel
- Nikola Piperkov
- 42 Half a Century of Ficino Studies
- Valery Rees
- 43 Exkurse und Etymologien in Pomponio Letos Commentarioli in Taciti Germaniam
- Franz Römer
- 44 La Lettera di Aristea nel volgarizzamento di Bartolomeo Fonzio: Elementi per la storia compositiva del testo
- Costanza Sandrini
- 45 Hacia un corpus de poesía liminar latina en escritos médicos humanísticos
- María Teresa Santamaría Hernández
- 46 Cur vis θεομαχεῖν? Über einen gescheiterten brieflichen Bekehrungsversuch im Jahre 1562
- Clemens Schlip
- 47 Cristoforo Landino e le fonti greche: un cantiere aperto
- Cecilia Sideri
- 48 Ioannes Dantiscus' Carmen de Iudaeis: Some New Insights on the Poem
- Anna Skolimowska
- 49 Giorgio Pasquali fascista? Der Philologe und das Regime
- Wolfgang Strobl
- 50 The Complete, the Critical, and the Online: Remarks on the New Nicolaus Olahus Correspondence Edition
- Emőke Rita Szilágyi
- 51 "Judging without Error" according to Joan Lluís Vives
- Joan Tello Brugal
- 52 El Nuevo Testamento latino en Martin Seidel, Origo et fundamenta religionis Christianae
- Pablo Toribio
- 53 Daniel Heinsius (1580-1655), the Most Prolific Contributor to alba amicorum in the Netherlands
- Gilbert Tournoy
- 54 The amicitia elysea Motif in Carlo Marsuppini's Elegia de morte Leonardi Aretini and the Building of the Humanists' Position in Florence
- Grażyna Urban-Godziek
- 55 Libertas e res publica litterarum nella Napoli rinascimentale: l'elegia di Girolamo Carbone ad Agostino Nifo
- Sebastiano Valerio
- 56 Improving Humanist Latin in the Periphery of North-Eastern Europe
- Kristi Viiding
- 57 Izui Hisanosuke (1905-1983): Linguist, Ethnologist, Occasional Neo-Latinist, and Founding Member of the Academia Latinitati Fovendae
- Akihiko Watanabe
- 58 Failing at Failure and Ubertino Posculo's Constantinopolis
- Bryan Whitchurch
- 59 Seneca iurista optimus. Seneca der Jüngere als Rechtsgelehrter in der juristischen Literatur der Frühen Neuzeit
- Stefan Zathammer
- Index.