Humanitarian law of armed conflict challenges ahead : essays in honour of Frits Kalshoven /
The collection of essays is entitled `Challenges Ahead'. An ambitious title, but an appropriate one; for the contributors, as the 21st century draws near, ask themselves a number of basic questions about the future of the law in a world undergoing such profound changes. Their reflections will c...
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,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Brill | Nijhoff,
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law - Book Archive pre-2000.
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Call Number: KZ6471
- Front Matter
- Preliminary Material /
- Astrid J.M. Delissen and Gerard J. Tanja
- Acknowledgments /
- Astrid J.M. Delissen and Gerard J. Tanja
- Preface /
- Jean Pictet
- Preface /
- Jan J. van der Weel
- Biographical Note of Frits Kalshoven /
- Astrid J.M. Delissen and Gerard J. Tanja
- Principal Publications of Frits Kalshoven /
- Astrid J.M. Delissen and Gerard J. Tanja
- Abbreviations /
- Astrid J.M. Delissen and Gerard J. Tanja
- The Restraint of War in Historical and Philosophical Perspective /
- Geoffrey Best
- Pertinence et Permanence du Droit International Humanitaire /
- Yves Sandoz
- Quelques Considerations Generales sur L'evolution du Droit International Humanitaire /
- René-Jean Wilhelm
- L'action Humanitaire /
- René J. Dupuy
- Negotiating the 1977 Additional Protocols: Was it a Waste of Time? /
- Hans-Peter Gasser
- Customary Law Status of the 1977 Additional Protocols /
- Christopher Greenwood
- The 1977 Additional Protocols and General International Law: Some Preliminary Reflexions /
- Georges Abi-Saab
- Why the United States of America Should Ratify Additional Protocol I /
- George H. Aldrich
- Siege Warfare and the Starvation of Civilians /
- Yoram Dinstein
- Legal Protection of Child-Combatants After the Protocols: Reaffirmation, Development or a Step Backwards? /
- Astrid J.M. Delissen
- From Reprisals to Individual Penal Responsibility /
- Stanislaw E. Nahlik
- The System of Repression of Breaches of Additional Protocol I /
- Julian J.E. Schutie
- The Suppression of War Crimes under Additional Protocol I /
- Christine van den Wyngaert
- Humanitarian Law and Internal Conflicts: The Evolution of Legal Concern /
- Rosemary Abi-Saab
- In the Shadowland Between Civil War and Civil Strife: Some Reflections on the Standard-Setting Process /
- Peter H. Kooijmans
- Internal Strife: Applicable Norms and a Proposed Instrument /
- Theodor Meron
- What One May do in Combat - Then and Now /
- Leslie C. Green
- Les Armes Nucleaires et le Droit de la Guerre /
- Henri Meyrowitz
- The Changing Role of International Law in the Nuclear Age: From Freedom of the High Seas to Nuclear-Free Zones /
- Hisakazu Fujita
- Implementation Measures and International Law of Arms Control /
- Bernhard Graefrath
- Transformations in the Law of Neutrality Since 1945 /
- Dietrich Schindler
- Neutrality in Naval Warfare /
- Michael Bothe
- Topical Approaches Towards Developing the Laws of Armed Conflict at Sea /
- Dieter Fleck
- The Merchant Vessel as Legitimate Target in the Law of Naval Warfare /
- William J. Fenrick
- The Treatment of Rebels in Conflicts of a Disputed Character: The Anglo-Boer War and the 'Anc-Boer War' Compared /
- John Dugard
- Subscribing to the 'Law of Geneva' as Manifestation of Self-Determination: The Case of Palestine /
- Paul J.I.M. De Waart
- Reliance on Norms of Humanitarian Law by United Nations' Organs /
- Theo C. van Boven
- International Humanitarian Law and the Security Council Resolutions on the 1990-1991 Gulf Conflict /
- Erik Suy
- De la Guerre D'octobre 1973 au Conflit du Golfe 1991: Les Appels du Cicr Pour la Protection de la Population Civile /
- Michel Veuthey
- Reporting Mechanism for Supervision of National Legislation Implementing International Humanitarian Law /
- Krzysztof Drzewicki
- How Much Humanity do Terrorists Deserve? /
- Torsten Stein
- The Obligation to Intervene in the Domestic Affairs of States /
- Henry G. Schermers
- Jus ad Bellum and Jus Cogens: Is Immorality Illegal? /
- Alfred P. Rubin
- Slavery: The Past and the Present /
- Manfred Lachs
- Back Matter
- List of Contributors /
- Astrid J.M. Delissen and Gerard J. Tanja
- Select Bibliography /
- Astrid J.M. Delissen and Gerard J. Tanja
- Index /
- Astrid J.M. Delissen and Gerard J. Tanja.